| going crazy | yandere! Kirito x Reader

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The song is Going Crazy by Song Jieun ft. Bang Yongguk~

You're inseparable from me

Have you gone crazy?


Your bloodstained hair flows out from behind you as you run away from the deluded beta tester.

His insane laugh emanates throughout the night and you try to run even though you are injured badly, and your legs are nothing but skin, blood and bones.

"(Y/N)-chan~ Where are you? You can't ever escape from me~"

Muffling a sob, you shut your eyes tightly as you hide in a tree hollow.

You were just like any other gamer stuck here in this cruel game, and just wished to return to your old life.

However, when your elder sister, Asuna introduced her husband to you, his mild black eyes were burning with passion, and when you shook hands, he gripped yours tightly for longer than you expected.

At first, you just brushed it off as mere coincidences when he seemed to popped up whenever you went.

But then it got suspicious.

One night, Kirito showed up at your house with blood encrusted clothing and after telling you that Asuna was 'killed in combat' he demanded you become his wife.

Struck with grief and horror, you declined and slammed the door shut, and ran up to your room to cry your heart out.

Ever since that incident, you would see Kirito stalking you openly, whether it was just watching you from a crack in your window or trailing you endlessly.

It was crazy, really.

After a week of this occurrence, this time in which he was following you mercilessly, you screamed and ran away without your damn sword, which was the stupidest thing you could've done. Of course, he followed you and the whole thing became a wild goose chase.

"There you are, you cute little thing!" Kirito's sickly sweet voice coos into your ear, breaking your train of thoughts.

Before you can react, his arms wrap around your torso tightly so it is impossible to struggle and you can feel the smile as he speaks.

"You know what? I'm so glad I met Asuna. Because if I didn't, I wouldn't have met you."

Kirito stops, as if to ponder and with malice in his voice, he chuckles and kisses your neck softly.

"I've been going crazy for you. My little porcelain doll."


Please just leave me alone now

Seeing you is suffocating

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