❤Mοηsτεr❤ (Yandere!Prussia x Reader)

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M o n s t e r (Yandere!Prussia x Reader)

//Waltzes onto the stage// OHAYOOOO! I'm backkkk with more Valentine fanfics (sorta) and one White Day fanfic~ Have a Yandere!Prussia, y'all. ;)

Warning : Might be triggering, read at your own risk.

There was no doubt that Gilbert Beilschimdt was inhuman; a monster

Yes, he would act like a human. Looked like one, despite his albino looks.

He had one tiny flaw though-he didn't have the capacity to love.

But it was covered up; masked with arrogance and indifference, making it hard for others to see him for the monster he truly was. He pushed others away when they tried to help him, and ended up friendless.


He was all alone.

However, as he planned to take his own life on a specially bleak, rainy day, he met (Y/N). She saved him just as he was about to jump off a bridge and into the depths of a dark river.

She took him home; listened to his story, and saw him for the person he really was. But she still loved him, albino, awesomeness (he claimed haughtily, making her laugh) and all. And assured him that he was very much human, just like she was.

As time passed, he stopped pushing her away, gave up his façade, and actually began to fall for her, as she did for him.

On Valentine's Day, the very day he had tried to commit suicide, he confessed his feelings for her, amidst stutters and a red face.

"(Y-Y/N), I think-I think I love you!" Gilbert declares, and the (H/C) haired girl smiles happily.

"I love you too, Gil!" They link arms, and walk home together in happiness.

For now.

For Gilbert is scared, scared sensless that she too will leave him just like the others.

With a smirk, he stares at the peaceful girl that is sleeping peacefully, snuggled into his chest and laughs menacingly.

She saved him from himself, but she didn't manage to save herself from the clutches of a madman that was Gilbert Beilschimdt.

Gilbert truly was a monster.

And he was damn proud of it.

Oh, dear (Y/N), what have you gotten yourself into?


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