❤Dσ Ι Wαηηα Κηοω?❤ (Yandere!Cheater! Aomine x Reader)

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I'm making Momoi the bad one in this, WHAT HAVE I DONE ╥﹏╥ Anyway, first ever songfic, yo! Forgive me if i mess up/if it seems sucky but i lurveeee this song~ Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys.   i attached the song to the side~


You didn't notice it at first.

Aomine was becoming quieter, less affectionate, and not as perverted as before.

There were also times, times when when he would come late to class with smudged red lipstick on his neck, and whenever he passed by your desk, you could smell faint perfume on him.

It drove you crazy.

You knew what he was cheating but didn't want to accept it.

Do I wanna know?

Sure he was perverted, and quite annoying, but you still like--no, love him.

But did he still reciprocate your feelings? After all, his actions were beginning to defy that.

If this feeling flows both ways

"Daiki-kun, would you like some curry bread?" You ask timidly, holding it up to your boyfriend.

He regards you with icy blue eyes.

"I'm not hungry."

The simple words shatter your heart.

"Oh okay then, Dai-kun. T-then, I'll be going, I have to hand in my homework, for Sensei nearly throttled me the last time." You force a laugh.

He doesn't even look at you, just nods.

Sad to see you go,

Was sorta hoping that you'd stay

You stifle a sob as you leave the rooftop.

On the way down, you see Momoi, who is just coming up.

"Oh! [Name]-chan, did you see Dai-chan? "

She is, luckily, oblivious, to the moisture in your [E/C] hues.

"Yes, yes I did." You smile in a strained way, to which the pretty girl returns with a dazzling smile of her own.

"Yosh! Now Daiki can't run away from practice~"

You hum in agreement, and continue your descent to your classroom.

It is only when you are seated at your desk that you look down and facepalm.

You left your pencil case on the roof.

With an exasperated huff, you go back to the roof.

You are so lost in your thoughts, that you forget your sadness. So when you open the roof door, you blink repeatedly.


For there is Aomine with Momoi pressed close to him, while he is kissing her with a fervent passion you have never seen.

And Momoi is kissing him back.

Baby we both know

"[Name]! I am so, so, sorry, I don't know what came over me..."

Momoi is flustered, straightening her uniform, untangling herself from the tanned male, apologizing wildly.

You say nothing, your gaze fixed on the emotionless teen.

It is only when the door closes that you speak.

"Daiki-kun, it's time we had a talk."

That the nights were mainly made
for saying things that you can't
say tomorrow day

"What?" Aomine spits out.

"I know what you've been doing long before I saw the two of you. But I didn't know it was her. How low of you, to cheat on my with my best friend."

You're not angry, just tired now.

Tired that you devoted so much love and time to him, and that he took it all for granted, when there were other, better guys for you.

Too busy being yours to fall

"Let's break up."

"N-no." Aomine whispers, just as you turn to leave the roof.

You turn around tentatively.

'Maybe he's going to apologize for being such a douchebag.'

Ever heard of calling, darling?

"You're not supposed to go!" Aomine roars, his voice dangerous.

"You're a pathetic, faithful creature, so full of love and adoration. You're so boring."

Aomine continues his rant.

"But I still love you.Do you know how fucking annoying it is?! Now you want to break up."

He sneers, and you whimper in fright.

Do you want me crawling back to you?

"So, before I can sort out my feelings, you're still mine. Obviously."

He throws you over his shoulder easily, like you weigh nothing.

You were better off not knowing about Aomine's intentions.

Do I wanna know?


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