| empty | yandere! natsu x reader

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After waking up from the dream that was you

This morning of reality feels so empty

The song is Empty by Winner


"N-Natsu" You stammer, looking with wide (E/C) orbs at the emotionless mage before you, pulling your duvet up.

"What are you doing here?"

He reaches towards you but you flinch.


His cold eyes are void of emotion, save for the hurt in them.


"It feels empty." Natsu murmurs uncharacteristically, his hand resting on his heart.

"My heart...feels empty, ever since you left me."

"I've come to keep a promise."

'Natsu-kun! I broke my hand!' You whimpered, and hold up your limp hand to show the Dragon Slayer.

"Eh?!?! (Y/N)-chan, doesn't that hurt?" Happy queried.

'Eh...well then...' Natsu frowned.

But then, after a moment, grinned brightly at you before breaking his own hand with a snap! sound.


'Eh, don't worry, (Y/N).' Natsu smiled widely, his hand hanging limply.

'We go through shit together. If you suffer, I suffer. I get hurt, you get hurt. Promise?"

You giggled. 'Promise!'

Blood instantaneously drains from your face as you remember.

"No...Natsu, don't!"

The Dragon Slayer moves towards you.

"When you said you didn't love me anymore...it hurt like hell. So I'm here to share some of that pain to you as well. I suffer, you suffer."

"There is a hollow where my heart is now."

Natsu strikes a dagger into his chest, the beating organ falling out messily onto your tiled floor.

"It's your turn now, (Y/N). Don't go back on your promise. I-I love you." He sucks in a final breath before stilling.

You tentatively pick up the bloodied dagger and stare at it.

Then it plunges into your chest, your heart dropping next to Natsu's own.

Together in death.


The me and you of the past are now over

My reason to live is gone ; why is everything so complicated now?

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now