| toy | yandere!teacher!sasori x reader x yandere!teacher!deidara

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I kept on writing and re-writing this...and then this song gave me inspiration! It's in korean, but give it a try. The song's really good and matches well withthe story ^^

Requested on Quotev


Who cares about my emotions

You can play with me until you're sick of me

Everything was going in a downward spiral for [Name].

Her relationship with Sasori was slowly crumbling right before her eyes. The red-head had been neglecting her more often ; "I've been busy with grading papers." The professor would tell her in his usual expressionless way.

"Surely, you have work to do too?"


He was just avoiding her.

It wasn't fair. [Name] was starting to regret her decision in obtaining a degree in art, and being an art student but something happened that made her stop and reconsider again.

It came in the form of a new teacher for the Pottery class, a twenty three year old named Deidara.

Again, like Sasori, he was a teacher, which should have been off-limits but that never stopped the art student. She was undeniably attracted to him, and he was too, if his baby blue eyes that darkened everytime he looked at her was any indication. One thing led to another, and before she knew it, she and Deidara were dating behind Sasori's back.

If Sasori did not come home, then [Name] would go straight to Deidara's house for a "little chat" that often involved heavy amounts of flirting and many, very inappropriate make-out sessions.

Even Sasori was starting to notice the prolonged periods of absence.

"Where were you?" He frowns at [Name] as she returns one night, beaming happily after one particularly intense visit to Deidara's house.

"Oh you know," she shrugs her shoulders. "At a friend's house for a project."

"Hmm. I got you these." His expression remains blank as he motions to the bouquet of (favorite flowers). "I haven't been paying attention to you lately, so this is my way of making up for it."

She forces a smile on your face. "Baby, you shouldn't have!" She kisses him deeply to which he responds whole-heartedly, wrapping his arms around her waist.

He doesn't notice that she is slowly crushing the flowers in her fist.

"You're the best, Sasori." She murmurs, pecking him once again before leaving for the bathroom, the tastes of both lovers lingering on her lips and crushed petals falling to the floor.


In the weeks that follow, [Name] is in a dilemma.


She wonders whose house to frequent to this time - Deidara or Sasori?

Both are equally handsome men, are art teachers and are quite smitten with her.

But Sasori has a refined elegance, perhaps due to his age, whereas Deidara is youthful, full of spirit.

Who to choose, who to choose?

She thinks of this while she is in a lecture of the History of Art, dreamily thinking of her lovers.

Maybe I'll just return home tonight. I've been neglecting Sasori lately.

She smiles, satisfied with her choice.

"[Last Name]! Pay attention!" The professor barks out before continuing his lecture.

She rolls her eyes.

At least that was one professor she wasn't going to chase.


[Name] returns to her apartment, keys dangling from her outstretched hand.

She reaches to turn the door knob, but to her surprise the door is slightly ajar.

Puzzled,she opens the door and walks into the apartment.

Her eyes land upon a sight she thought she'd never see, and a loud, scared gasp escapes from her lips.

"Deidara? Sasori?"

"Ah, you were right danna." Deidara grunts and then hands over a wad of cash to the slightly smug redhead.

They do not look surprised at all.

"Wh-what's going on?" She asks.

"You know, don't you." Sasori states emotionlessly.

"How'd you find out?" She demands, voice trembling.

They glance at each other, smirks on their faces before turning to face you again.

"Well, you see," Begins Deidara. "I've always had a hunch that we weren't dating. We didn't even have the awkward "what are we" talk, un."

"But we did."

"Yeah, I asked you that, and you didn't reply, just caressed my cheek. "

"And don't think I haven't noticed." Sasori cuts in, his hazel eyes boring into the girl's (eye color) ones. "You would come home reeking of cologne - not the type I use - and with lovebites all over your body."

Deidara shrugs guiltily.

"But...you're not mad...?"

"Of course not. You're a reckless, flirty woman who goes after what she wants, regardless of the outcome. But that's what attracted us."

"To put it simply," Says Sasori in his usual dry way.

"You're a fυcking slυt (A/N okay, normally I would never call people that. But this is for the sake of the story,so please bear in mind, this is not referring to you, this is referring to the girl in THIS story.) , a player, if you may. We're nothing but toys to you, ready to dispose at a moment's notice. But," He chuckles.

"You have stolen our hearts. At this point we don't even care if you break us."

"We're simply content..."

Their eyes darken and they move closer to [Name], pressing their lips on either side of her ear.

"To be your toy."

You can break me if that's what you want

Because I'm a toy, toy


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now