| pretty | yandere! sadist! kuroko x reader

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"Bye Ryou-kun!"

You wave goodbye to your blond boyfriend, who waves back happily.

"Bye [Name]-cchi!" He calls out. "Get home quickly, okay? It's getting dark out, there could be all kinds of danger out there!! Don't you want me to walk you home?"

"No, it's fine! Besides, Kasamatsu sempai will have your head if you skip basketball practice."

As if on cue, a very angry looking Kasamatsu comes out of the gym doors and bonks the blond on the head.

"Oi, baka! Get back to practice! [Name]'s an independent young lady, I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Bye [Name], my loveeee~" Kise wails dramatically, while being dragged away.

You giggle, and continue to walk home, happily thinking about all the anime you could watch now that it was the weekend.

"Hello, [Name]-chan."

Like the shadow he is named after, Kuroko suddenly pops out of nowhere and begins walking next to you.

Your heart begins to beat very hard against your chest, but for all the wrong reasons.

"Oh, Kuroko-san!" You fake a laugh, a hand on your chest. "You scared me!"

He merely nods.

The two of you walk in strained and awkward silence before you speak up.

"Serin's finished basketball practice?" You ask, keeping the conversation light so as to keep the madman distracted.

"No." His reply is short and blunt.


"I wanted to see you, [Name]-chan."

"Is t-that so?"

"I've missed you."

The answer strikes terror in your heart, and makes you stop in your tracks.

"Kuroko-san, we- we broke up. I have a boyfriend now."

"Why do you call me Kuroko-san?" The blue haired phantom pouts, and then stares at you with his large baby blue eyes.

To a complete stranger, Kuroko would have looked cute, adorable even.

But not to you.

You know what he really is - a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"We broke up!" Your voice is rising now, the fear in you growing steadily.

"You used to inflict injuries on me! Don't you remember? Accidentally cutting my finger while chopping vegetables, accidentally spilling hot tea on me, accidentally slapping my cheek!"

You're riled up now.

"And that's the tip of the fucking iceberg! You also-"

"Oh, I remember."

His quiet voice laced with excitement and hunger brings you back to your senses.

Kuroko is now twirling a previously unnoticeable knife in his hands, staring at you with more emotion than usual.

"I remember the look of pain in your eyes, the startled gasp, the way blood used to pour out of the wound...all pretty, so very pretty."

He then stops twirling the knife and glances at you.

"Those were the good days,huh? Don't you wish you could go back?"

Kuroko has inched closer to you, and now he is holding the knife closer to your face, as if holding up a doll to show to you.

"No!" The answer slips out of your lips in a scared, shaky, desperate rush.

"Too late."

The knife rams into your side and the last thing you see before blacking out is Kuroko's pale lips hovering on your one (lips color) ones.

Yo so i rewrote this hahaha...yeah...

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