| good girl | yandere! sohta x reader

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Requested by @bouncy12345



"Good girl, [Name]!" Sohta praised you, apparently quite impressed with your exam marks.

"As expected of the star student."

"That whore, she's just doing this to get into his pants."

"She wants to steal our Mr.Sohta."

"Don't pay any attention to them [Name]."

Your teacher smiled warmly at you, making you feel better.

"They're just jealous of you."


"Keep away from Mr.Sohta." A classmate of yours snarled as she and her gang closed in on you.

"Why should I? I am a student after all, and if I require help with my lessons, I have to ask a teacher for help."

She slapped you.

"Smart alecks like you should learn to keep their mouths shut."

The rest of the bitch pack closed in on you, leering at you.

They began to kick, scratch and hit you, and you winced when a stiletto pierced your skin.

"What is going on here?!"

Sohta arrived, and soon his eyes land on the whores who were now batting their eyelashes flirtatiously.

He ignored them.

He made his way over to you and examine your wounds.

"Hm, it seems serious...[Name], you'll have to come with me."

You nodded weakly.

He picked you up bridal style, murmuring soft reassurances to you.

You could hear the girls behind letting out gasps, but pay no attention.

For you were not the one who had seen the predatory glint in his eyes.

♔ ♔ ♔

He's nearing you now, a sinister gleam in his eyes.

"H-have mercy, Sohta!" You splutter out, trying to shield your body from the madman.

He frowns, and with a swift kick to your face, crimson blood spills out of your mouth.

Sohta kneels near you and lifts your chin up with a finger.

"What happened to the 'sir'"? He murmurs dangerously.

When you don't respond, he yanks your hair back and yells in your ear.


"Y-yes, sir." You whimper, your eyes clenched shut in pain.

"Good girl, [Name],"

Sohta cooes.

He then begins to drag you to your doom, and you are much too tired to fight back, so you resign to your fate.


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now