| follow me | yandere! deidara x reader

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Requested on Quotev

the song is Follow Me by GOT7

Follow, follow me

I know you came knowingly so cut to the chase, I'm impatient

"I like you," Confesses a certain blond haired kleptomaniac ; He holds your gaze for a few moments before looking away, blushing.

"I'm sorry Deidara-kun...but I don't like you that way," You admit, and you look at him through eyes of pity.

"You're dating Sasori, aren't you, un?"

He snarls unexpectedly and you are shocked that he knows of the massive crush you have on the red haired puppet master.

"We aren't dating!" You squeak out. "I... just like him."

Deidara narrows his azure eyes at you and then he smirks lazily, running a hair through his sun-kisses locks.

"Well then," He purrs. "That's solved now, un. Danna won't miss what he never had."


Just then, he throws some clay on the ground next to you, rapidly makes some hand signals and then pieces of the ground shatter fly into the air, scaring you.

"I suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut and come with me if you want to live, un. Or rather," Deidara grins like the Cheshire Cat. "If you want Sasori to live."

You laugh scornfully. "Like you could touch him. He's immortal, you silly idiot."

"Oh really?" He hovers dangerously close to you. "You'll be surprised to know that I've acquired some of his secrets."

Your face pales. "Please don't hurt him.H-he doesn't like me but I still want him safe."

"I won't, just follow me." He then ambles towards his giant clay bird, not caring if you followed him or not.

You did a decision that saved Sasori's life but doomed you to live eternally with Deidara.

You followed him.

Doesn't it sound nice?

Follow me if you want that good life

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now