❤Cοηςιουs ❤(Yandere! Doctor Midorima x Patient! Reader)

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Darkness everywhere.

You cannot feel, or see anything, but you can hear, hear the steady beeping of the monitor, the smooth, low voice of your doctor.

"Midorima-san, it's been over a month already. We'll have to put [Name] down."(A/N I don't know how you call it,or about medical procedures, cut me some slack okay or I'll summon Russia and his magic cane ⊙^⊙)

A female voice drifts over to your ears, presumably a nurse.

Then the meaning of the words sink in.

Put you down?

'I can hear you!' You want to yell 'I'm still alive!'

"There has to be another way!" The doctor, Midorima, your boyfriend, protests, fury and weariness lacing his voice.

"Midorima-san,I understand [Name]-san was your, er, partner, but you cannot let trifle things such as feelings get in the way of our work. Do be professional. Good day."

The door slams shut and only the sound of the beeping and Midorima's irregular breathing remains.

"[Name]," Midorima breathes out, and you can feel his large hand caress your face.

"Hang in there."

The tsundere-ness has dissipated, and if not for the dire situation you are in, you probably would make fun of him.

Your fingers twitch slightly and there is a sharp intake of breath.

"[N-Name]" Midorima chokes out after a long silence.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!"

Midorima snarls uncharacteristically and fear creeps into your heart.

"I shall be the only one to love you."

A needle is plunged into your side and you lose what little consciousness you have, the black abyss swallowing you once.


"[Full Name] is dead. I'm sorry, we did our best."

"C-c-can I take her home? Bury her? I was the only she had left, and I would like to mourn in peace."

"Of course, Midorima-san."

Shintarou presses a chaste kiss to your cheek, making you sit in his lap.

"What have you done, Shintarou?" You sob.

"I've just sealed our fate together, [Name]. You're my only one, and I'm your only one."


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