| our (un)happy ending | yandere!ciel x reader { part 3 }

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Short but sweet, I guess? Lawl. Last part BTW


The little coal haired girl giggles as she hides behind a porcelain vase.

"Oh Bridges~" You call out her nickname teasingly, and hear a giggle. "Come out, come our wherever you are!"

You tiptoe over to her hiding place, guided by her freuqent bursts of barely contained laughter.

"Gotcha!" You scoop your daughter into your arms and then kiss her cheek.

"Mummy, let's play again!"

"Sure, sweetheart-"

"Madam Phantomhive, young mistress Phantomhive, tea is ready."

Sebastian appears at your side, and all humor instantly vanishes.

Well, for you at least.

"Ooh, Daddy's here!" Bridget smiles gleefully. Joy is evident in her (your eye color) doe eyes and even though you don't want to be anywhere near your 'husband', you have to smile at her adoration of her father.

"Come on Mummy, I'm hungry, and I can't wait to see Father!"

She takes your hand and leads you to the room in which Ciel is currently residing.

"Father, I'm coming in ~!" Bridget sings, and bursts into the door.

You see the tall (A/N YEAH I MADE HIM TALL 'KAY) noble seated in his chair with the butler by his side and disregard the feeling of contempt in the pit of your stomach.

"Father, Uncle Sebastian, what's for dessert?"

Bridget too, had the same sweet tooth her father had.

"Red velvet cake, darling." Ciel smiles a rare smile at his daughter as she attempts to climb onto his lap and practically inhale his slice of cake.

"[Name], what are you doing there, standing stiffly? Come join us." Ciel beckons, motioning for you to join them.

"Mummy, come eat too!" The little girl beams at you.

You hesitantly sit down on the chair across of Ciel's.

"Run along, Bridget, your mother and I have something important to discuss."

"Okay!" She pecks her father, then you, on your cheeks and runs out, taking Sebastian along with her.

"What?" Your face is stony.

"Dear [Name], have you really forgotten?"

Ciel chuckles.

"It's our 10th wedding anniversary."

"Has it been that long already?" You spit out.

"You keep saying that, yet you take care and love Bridget."

"Bridget doesn't deserve a father like you. I will shield her from men like you!" You hiss, suddenly defensive.

"Still as stubborn as a mule. But you possibly cannot say that this life is unsatisfactory."

You lean back in your chair, knowing he had you.

"Does it even matter?"

You're glaring daggers at the coal haired male now, your nails digging into the arms of the chair.

"Yes it does." Ciel raises an eyebrow and smirks, standing at your side.

"We'll soon be expecting a second child. Very soon. Tonight, in fact. "

It may be a happy ending for him, but for you it was a nightmare come true.


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