| protect | yandere!male!haruno sakura x reader

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They stopped talking, or did they?
Yeah they did, and it's obvious why I'm a mess
They couldn't resist

Ehehehe...so it's been two years since I last updated........but I come bearing gifts!


The song is Yeah (Fantasizing) by boy pablo, one of my absolute fave bands <3


Sakura's green eyes glimmer with surprise as you come sauntering into the Hokage's office smiling brightly, a little too bruised for his liking, but still cute nonetheless. The relief filling him is imminent and he closes his eyes.

"Tsunade-sama, the mission went accordingly!"

The Fifth Hokage nods in satisfaction, leaning back in her chair. "Good to have you back after 2 months. Any casualties?"

"None at all, ma'am."

"I can always count on you when it comes to missions like these. Very well, dismissed!"

You bow, but not before making eye contact with Sakura and smiling, a form of acknowledgement. Your smile makes him want to squish your soft cheeks and wrap you up in his arms, away from everyone else. Sakura feels his heart pang with longing and he's pretty sure his cheeks are the colour of his hair. Damn it. Why'd you have to be so cute?! And how did you even look this ethereal after a tiring mission?!

"Sakura-kun! It feels like it's been too long!"

The way you said his name sounds like a lullaby on your lips, and stronger than ever,he wishes that he could be the only one to hear your heavenly voice.

"Yeah it has." The pink-haired Jonin smiles back at you, butterflies and something darker dancing around in his stomach. "I've barely seen you around nowadays."

"Yeah...we've both been so busy." You scratch your neck sheepishly. "But maybe after this we can catch up over ramen? Seems like Tsunade-sama still needs you."

He feels his feet take a few steps in the direction you are in but then remembers his master and Shizune and forces himself to remain where he is. He raises his head only to find the females looking at him with amusement in their eyes.

"You can go if you want. Nothing important is happening anyway. " Tsunade says, smirking while Shizune stifles a laugh in her palm. They could see his plainly obvious affections for you, knowing him so well. Sakura feels the sides of his mouth curl up in a smirk before he rushes to be by your side.


Sakura...is pissed. And once again, it's because of a certain blond idiot, despite you being by his side.

"Ah, Naruto-kun! Stop it, your jokes are too bad." You giggle, while Naruto's boisterous laughter fills up the small ramen shop, overpowering your melodious laugh and tainting the air, Sakura thought disgustedly, merely choosing to roll his eyes at Naruto's antics.

"Hold on, I'll be right back. I need to go greet Kurenai-sensei." You hop out of the ramen shop as soon as you sense your sensei's chakra, leaving an oblivious Naruto and a livid Sakura alone.

"Ah, that [Name] is so cute." Naruto mutters absentmindedly, slurping up the rest of his noodles. "I don't know why other people in other villages are so scared to approach her."

It's that slurping sound that is the last straw for Sakura. He slams his fist on the table, and due to his intense anger and strength, the tables shatters into pieces, startling both Naruto and Teuchi.

"Uzumaki Naruto!" He all but growls out, his blond teammate looking confused and a little scared at the same time. "You've gone too far. Stop flirting with my property."

"Y-your property? W-what?I thought you were still in love with Sasuke?"

"No," He grits out. "Sasuke is dead to me. My heart is for [Name]-chan and [Name]-chan only. Why do you think others are so scared to approach her? Because she's mine and mine only. And everyone knows it. Why do you think that all the inhabitants in that small village in Iwagakure she was ambushed in were slaughtered a week after? And why other people in other villages cower in her presence?Huh?!" He has his hands wrapped around Naruto's neck and is breathing heavily. He's emitting a murderous aura and there's a glint of insanity along with the ever present fire in his green eyes.

"It's because of me...I've been protecting her all along..."

Naruto stares, mouth gaping, barely registering the lack of oxygen. Who is this? He wonders. Is this even the same Sakura I know?

"Ah, this won't do in the long run...Everyone should know..."Sakura runs a hand through his hair in frustration, dropping Naruto, who stumbles out of the shop, visibly shaken and determined to protect everyone from the madman that is Haruno Sakura.

You return a few moments later, having just bumped into Naruto running out. "What just happened? Is everything okay, Sakura-kun?"

"Yeah," He murmurs, closing the distance between you two and leaning forward to caress your cheeks, which blossom with splotches of pink and red. "Everything's fine now that you're here."

From that day on, no one dared to get too close to you anymore. It was painfully clear to the rest of the village that you were the only thing keeping Haruno Sakura sane and nothing else could be done. He was a far too capable medical shinobi to be disposed of. So nothing else was done to counter Sakura's bout of lovesick madness, except to keep out of your way. You were his and his alone, and he would be damned if he would let anyone get in the way of your love.


I'm the one who starts

I'll give you what you want

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