| questions | yandere!murasakibara x reader

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Thanks for the 1K votes guys!!! I started spazzing so hard LOL ilysm for reading my pieces of trash ❤

Requested by @UdertakerAlice


People couldn't believe it.

They couldn't believe that [Last Name] [First Name], the ice queen and the girl who could wrap any guy around her finger was dating the gluttonous basketball player.

Gossip and disbelief spread like wildfire and eventually reached the basketball team.

"Ehhh?!!?? Even Murasakibara got a girlfriend? Why don't I have one yet?" Screams Okamura and the Yosen basketball members snicker among themselves.

"Atsushi, [First Name], congrats!" Himuro smiles warmly at the two of you. Murasakibara nods, his large arm draped around your shoulders.

You smile back in a strained way.

"Wahhh! [Name] got a boyfriend and she didn't even tell me!" Your best friend, Sayuri comes barelling towards you, fake tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

You laugh at your overenthusiastic best friend, but stop when you feel Atsushi's arm tighten. Immediately, you push your best friend away for her safety.

"Haha, get off me, Yuri! We wanted to break the news together so y-yeah..."

"Awww," Everybody croons. "Who knew [Name] was actually a big ol' softie?"

"Mm, [Name]-chin, let's go home, they're annoying." Atsushi mumbles lazily. Fear claws at your heart.


"Remember to use a condom~" that voice is unmistakably Himuro's teasing one.

Boisterous laughter fills the gym, and it follows you as the two of you step outside.

"That's weird though," Sayuri wonders out loud after the laughter ceases, puzzled. "She's normally a cold tsundere. Yet here she is, being a lovey dovey mess."

Back home, things go downhill fast.

"Nee, [Name]-chin, you love me right?" Murasakibara takes your face in his large hands, staring intently into your eyes.


"Good. You don't want me to punish you again right?"

Flashbacks to the powerful punches, the bruises on your back.


"You won't ever run from me again right?"



OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now