| practicality | yandere!hitachiin twins x reader

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Practicality was always your best asset, and you were proud of it. It could always be counted upon, and you were sure that there was very little that could scare you.

Of course, that was what you thought before you met the Hitachiin twins.

"Help! Somebody help me!" You sob, and scream, something you thought you'd never do.

You finally come to a dead end, and stare at the mahogany doors.

Locked mahogany doors, that is.

Groaning in frustration, you try to break through the doors but it doesn't even budge a bit.


Hikaru and Kaoru are gaining on you, even though you stalled for more time by kicking them in the place 'where the sun does not shine'.

"[Name]-chan~ come out come out wherever you are~!" The both of them choruses eerily.

You look around frantically. There is a hammer laying on a stool nearby, you pick it up and hack through the doors noisily.

Soon you have created an opening big enough for you to squeeze through, and rush out, not even caring about the chips of wood digging into your shoulder.

You step out into the cleaning, disoriented. However, it is pitch blach, fueling your fear and unease.

So you run, to where you didn't know, but still tried to run away from the deluded males.

You run, for an hour it seemed,stumbling, bleeding, and gasping.

As you run, you stumble on a tree root and fall...

...into the arms of two grinning Hitachiins.

"[Name]! There you are!" States Hikaru.

"We were getting worried." Frowns Kaoru.

"W-what--" you splutter, at a loss for words.

"Oh dear, [ Name], you thought you could run from us?"

"Come, Kaoru,we must teach her some manners."

They begin to drag you back to the mansion, crooked smiles on their lips.

The practical side of you was already devising a plan to get away from them, but you knew it was useless.

Your practicality had failed you.

All you could do was hope now.


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now