| twisted fairytale | yandere!t.o.p of big bang x reader

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Clad in a pristine white wedding dress, the (Hair Color) haired girl stands behind the church doors, fidgeting nervously with the bouquet in her hands.

Her father smiles kindly at her, murmuring soft words of reassurance to his daughter.

She merely nods, her eyes searching restlessly for a certain man called Yongbae.

"Stop searching for him," Her father reprimands in a steely tone. Gone is the caring father and in his place is the overly concerned business man. "Marrying Seunghyun is good for both you and our companies, and it increases the profits."

She sighs inwardly, wishing that her father was not a CEO of a fairly famous Korean entertainment , SM , and that she were not a renowned actress.

"But," She rebuts for the millionth time. "Yongbae- I mean Taeyang - is also in the same group as Seunghyun, why can't I marry him instead?"

Her father also sighs, having heard this argument over and over again.

"I told you, the citizens loved the two of you as a couple in that drama, so naturally, when the two of you date in real life, it'll win over their approval even more. And that means more profits. Imagine how much sales we'll rake in when the two of you marry soon!"

"But all I want is a fairytale wedding with Yongbae, not Seunghyun..." [Name] whispers, as the wedding march begins playing and the doors begin to open.

It is time to face the music and stop waiting for Taeyang to whisk her away.

Being an actress, she plasters on a smile immediately , playing the role of a love-struck bride perfectly.

As she walks up the aisle, she scans for her lover.

She finds him.

With his arm around the actress Min Hyorin.

They seem to be newlybirds in love, and her heart wrenches in pain as Taeyang stares lovingly at her.

"So that was why...he didn't show up...

He moved on."

Something inside her , the one thing that kept her from succumbing to insanity, snaps.

Her heart numb, she barely registers reaching the alter and her fiancé Seunghyun intertwining their fingers.

"I guess you're mine now." His husky baritone voice rumbles lowly.

In no time at all, Seunghyun has said his vows, and has lifted her veil.

His dark eyes silently promises revenge and better, if not darker, worlds that she never dreamt of when she was with Taeyang.

"I will give you everything he never did."

The prospect of a happy ending has never been sweeter to the once innocent girl. She utters the words.

"I do."

Seunghyun then kisses her on her lips, twisted smirks forming on both of their lips.

The perfect fairytale for two twisted lovers.



You go barelling into Seunghyun's arms as he lounges on his precious couch, and the bingu jumps. He laughs as you snuggle into his T-shirt, and embrace you.

"Good morning, jagiya." He says, humor lacing his tone.

"What're you doing here?" You ask, peering at your husband with huge doe eyes.

"I was just admiring our new home," He remarks, internally sighing in happiness as he looks the living room (or rather, his beloved furniture)

"We make a good couple, don't we?" You beam up at him.

Seunghyun glances at the remains of Yongbae in the fireplace before kissing your head gently.

"Of course, [Name]-ah. This is our fairytale."

He ,having claimed the love of his life, and you, finally with someone who truly loved you, were content.

The two of you finally got the twisted fairytale you wanted.


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