| overdose | yandere! Luhan x reader

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Love is a sickness, an addiction, overdose

It's harder to control as time goes by

I'm falling deeper into her

You get onto the school bus, humming slightly and go to your usual seat near the back of the bus.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-ah!" Greets your Chinese friend Luhan from behind you and you smile back at him.

"Good morning to you too, Luhannie!"

Luhan grins when you say his name, and his large brown eyes gleam in happiness.

He couldn't ever get tired listening to your voice.

Suddenly, the two troublemakers, Baekhyun and Chanyeol, begin to quarrel with each other and you laugh, amused by their antics.

Your laugh is mesmerizing, and your eye smile is adorable, so adorable Luhan stops staring at the two idiots (A/N Well they are, anyway xD) and stares at you instead.

"Hello? Earth to Luhannnn!" You wave a hand in front of the pink-haired boy and he snaps out of his reverie.

"What were you staring at me for?" You ask through giggles and Luhan scratches his neck sheepishly.


"He was staring at you because he was stunned by your gorgeousness, jagiya."

Luhan is saved when your boyfriend and Luhan's best friend, Sehun sits down next to you and puts his arm around you.

Anger rises, boiling hot in Luhan's stomach, as he watches the two of you stare at each other lovingly. When Sehun reaches over to kiss you, Luhan's hands act of their own accord and push the two of you apart with a terrifying force.

"No PDA please!" Luhan says, in what he hopes is a joking manner, and the two of you blush.


"Are you jealous, hyung?" Teases Sehun and Luhan is taken back, but answers anyway.

"Of course. I mean, she's REALLY mesmerizing!" Luhan looks serious until he sticks his tongue out.

"Of course not! She's my best friend, along with you."

"Okay then," Sehun laughs and the two of you face ahead again.

'As times goes by...I fall for her more.'

Thinks Luhan, biting his lips as he watches the two of you talk

'She's like a drug ; She got me addicted.'

He laughs darkly, an evil glint appearing in his  doe eyes.

'And I'll do whatever it takes to get her.'

Too much, it's you, your love is overdose

Seeing you inside makes me want you even more

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