| disobedience | yandere! italy x reader

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Requested by @indianchic

'Because darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream'


A steaming hot plate of mouth-watering pasta is placed before you and you dig into it, eagerly before looking up at the smiling Italian with a frown.

"Feli! This still tastes the same! Are you sure that this is the special pasta you want me to try?"

"Si, bella! But-a before I-a add the special ingredient, you-a need to taste the original pasta first!"

"Okay, I've tasted it already," You say with a laugh. "Can you add the secret ingredient or whatever it is already?"

"Vyy~ (Y/N), close your-a eyes first, bella! Or it-a won't be a secret!"

"Si~!" You chirp and place your hands over your eyes.

A maniacal grin makes its way onto Italy's face. His hand reaches for the little bottle in his pocket and then he pours it over the meal.

"You-a can look now, bella!"

Happily, you then proceed to stuff as much of the delectable pasta into your mouth, so you look like a chipmunk storing food into its cheeks.

"Bella! You look-a cute!" The fawn haired male pinches your cheeks.

You suddenly feel woozy, and are compelled to throw up.

"F-feliciano Vargas, what did you put in my pasta?" These whispered are the last thing that comes out of your mouth before sinking into the crazed man's arms.

"Wakey, wakey, (Y/N)!" A strong metallic smell wafts into your nostrils and slowly, you awake, as if from a hangover.

"What the -- Feli?!" Previous events come rushing back, and then your eyes widen in horror.

"Ah~ So you DO remember! I-a was hoping you-a would forget! But-a no matter!"

Italy bounds over, and then strokes your cheek with a bloody finger.

"Get away, Vargas!" The Italian stops and then yanks your hair.

"I-a suggest you shut up if you-a want Ludwig to live." Italy hisses uncharacteristically and you freeze at your lover's name.


"That's right," The closet door opens and a wide-eyed, terrified German is bound, gagged and chained.

"Ludwig Beilshimdt! Germany!" You yell, and make frantic attempts to push the weak man off you, only to fail.

When did he become this strong?

"Bella, seems like you disobeyed me."

A black barrel of a revolver is brought our, and with a loud Bang! , Germany's brains fly out and his head tumbles to the floor.

"No!" With a loud wail, you begin to so hysterically and then slump on the floor, defeated.

"(Y/N)," Starts Italy and almost pleadingly, you turn to him.

"Kill me too!"

"No, no." His bright voice is now low and husky, almost predatorial.

"Why kill the prize I have worked so hard to get?"

"Hey bastardo, have-a you seen (Y/N)? That little bitch hasn't been here for days and I need to tell her something." Romano says, with a worried expression, and light pink dusting his cheeks.

"Nope ~!"

"Ah, too bad..." Romano turns his back and shrugs.

Italy chuckles darkly.

A revolver clicks.


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now