| replaced | yandere! america x reader

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You give me that kind of something

Want it all the time, need it everyday

The song is The Way by Ariana Grande ft. Mac Miller


You yell and glomp the blond American from behind.

"Oh hey, dudette." He greets you casually and you raise an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

'She's worried about me...'

"Of course not!" America forces a laugh. "I'm just hungry. You know how hungry I get after meetings." ( A/N Just play alonngg)

"Okay then." The worry on your features melts away and a soft smile adorns your features.

The smile that always manages to get America's heart do a tap dance.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Begins America and your head swivels around to look at him. However, your (H/C) hair accidentally whips him in the face and he whiffs your vanilla perfume.


His eyes flutter close but then snap open when he realizes you're staring at him in worry.

"You know what, Alf? I think we should head over to your house..you seem a little off today."

The blond shrugs in agreement but inside, his heart does cartwheels as he follows you silently.

When the two of you arrive at his house, Alfred throws himself onto his couch. Clucking your tongue, you make your way into his his kitchen, looking for the necessary ingredients to make soup, which would probably make him feel better.

As you take out the tomatoes from the fridge, your phone suddenly rings, making you jump and you look at the ID of the caller.

It's your best girl friend, and wincing, and you put the phone to your ear.


"(Y/N)!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?" Her shrill voice makes you flinch.

"I'm at Alfie's house..."

"Did you forget that we are supposed to be handing in our project tomorrow? And we haven't even gotten started on it yet!"

She shrieks and you sigh in defeat.

" 'kay, 'kay. I'll be at your house in 5." You mumble and then hang up.

You then turn around, only to find America leaning against the kitchen counter and staring at you with a quizzical look on his face.

"Who was that?" His voice is sickly sweet, coated with malice. Luckily, you didn't notice.

"Oh, just (Insert best friend's name) telling me to go over to her house for a project," You reply airily.

"No!" His entire demeanor changes, and suddenly you are entrapped in his strong, muscly arms.

"W-why, Al?" You manage to stutter out, with a rapidly pounding heart and crimson face.

"Because you're mine." The American nuzzles your neck and you try to push him away.

"M-maybe another time?" You ask feebly, but America only chuckles darkly.

"No...I've waited too long for you...been controlled too long. Screw it, I'll make you mine now.

The blond presses his soft lips to you in a rough kiss and you tremble.

Every ounce of his barely controlled feelings are in the kiss, and you know it in your heart that the cheerful, burger-loving Alfred is replaced by a dark, dangerous one instead.

"From now on, I'll be your one and only hero."

On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm at a hundred

Never get enough I can't stay away

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now