| hide & seek | yandere!sehun of exo x reader

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Requested by my idiot friend @justmylilworld


"Alright. If you're able to run away and hide from me, then I'll let you go. But if I do find you, then you'll only stay by my side and my side only."

Sehun turns away, and covers his eyes.

Taking in a huge gulp of air, you bite your lip in frustration as you attempt to scale the tree.


Your foot loses its foothold and you go tumbling down.


Cursing yourself with tears in your eyes, you immediately scramble back up, this time a little faster than last.

To your delight, you find that you can climb better now, and scramble up immediately, not even letting out a single sound.


You climb higher, getting higher up into the branches until Sehun is a tiny little speck.

"Alright...just a little more..."

You reach for another branch, but instead feel something cold and ...soft?

Flesh, You think, hauling yourself up and climbing even further. What is that madman up to now?

You are not expecting to see your current boyfriend, Jungkook, tied up and strapped to the tree as a "branch".

A shriek erupts from your mouth and you clamp a hand over it, staring into your lover's terrified orbs.

"[Name]-ah~ I hear you!"

Sehun's distant voice floats into your ears but you are still staring at Jungkook, who is frantically mouthing the word run.

You shake your head, hugging him to your chest, and just wanting to get out of the trap Sehun had planned.

You sob silently, cradling his head in your arms and wondering how you got tangled in this.

But a pair of strong arms- or tp be more specfic, Sehun's strong arms -wrap around you and then yank you into a hard chest.

"[Name], I found you."

Horror strikes.


"You psychopath!" You spit out. "Don't do this!"

"Now, now, [Name]." Sehun reassures you, hugging you tightly once more. "You don't need to look, jagiya, even though you lost..."

"Oppa! Oppa! Don't worry, I'll get us out of here alive!" You scream towards Jungkook, whose head is attached to a giant fan. "Don't worry--"

The fan begins to turn.

A sickening mixture of crunches and splats resound through the room and you can only stare in revolt and grief at the twisted remains of your lover.

"No..." You fall to your knees. "No..."

As sobs rack your frame, Sehun merely smiles, finally having eradicated the only form of hope you have left.


"Good job, Jungkook-ah. Gomawo."

"No need for thanks, hyung. It is a maknae's duty to help out a fellow maknae. Besides, the hyungs were getting annoying, telling me to propose to [Name] already. Geez!"

"But you've done your job well. You truly are the Golden Maknae. Thank you, hoobae-ah."

"I know, sunbae-nim."


OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now