| last romeo | yandere! L of Infinite x reader

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(A/N This time it's a one shot with the visual of Infinite~~ Oh and Inspirits, I think you'll know what song this is  :P)

I'll be the last man to fight against the world over one love

I can face any kind of threat for you

"Don't go, (Y/N)-ah," Pleads Myungsoo, his tear-brimmed chocolate brown orbs meeting your own (E/C) orbs.

"I'm sorry, oppa," You whisper, tears running down your face. "But my parents are against this relationship."

Myungsoo is crying as well, his cool guy façade breaking down. He cries for a little longer and then stares at you with wide puppy eyes, making your heart lurch.

"Jagiya, please stay. I'll try to persuade your parents that we belong together! I'll show them I can protect you, and that you mean everything to me! E-even if I split our group up!"

You smile sadly at him.

"But I can't risk ruining your group. Or face my parents' wrath. And as much as I need you...goodbye, oppa."

Myungsoo seems to be steeling his resolve, wiping his tears and then putting on a poker face.

"Wait," He grabs your wrist harshly and you gasp from the pain. "At least give me one last kiss."

You sigh, but oblige to his request and nod. He brightens up visibly and then wrap his arms around you.

At first, he kisses you softly as usual. After a few moments, you feel him smirk into the kiss and then he bites onto your lip, drawing blood.

You gasp and pull away to stare at Myungsoo, who stares back at you a little too innocently.

This is not the adorable guy you fell in love with.

"I-I should be going-" Myungsoo snarls at your statement, and traps you in his arms. You try to get away, but he is strong, much too strong.

"Where do think you're going?" Myungsoo's voice is steely cold and fear stabs at your heart.

"H-home." You manage to stutter out and he nearly squeezes the life out of you.

"What home? You want to go back THERE?! Where they judge you? When you could stay here with me? I don't think so."

Myungsoo's once sweet voice is now low and menacing. He reaches behind his back for something, and your guess is that it's something heavy for inflicting damage.

On you.

Your heart thumps painfully.

"Tch. You know what, forget it. You're going to stay here, like it or not."

Blinding white-hot pain blinds you and you succumb to unconsciousness.

"I'll fight the world for you, my love. I'll be your last Romeo."

Trust me, your Romeo

I have no one but you

OUR DARK DESTINY. yandere one shots {REQUESTS CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now