Day 4. New Faces

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After a long hour of literature , we were finally dismissed. My next lesson was World History with a teacher named Miss Baust.I loved World History, it was one of my other favorite subjects as I found it interesting to learn about dead people who made such a name for themselves, that children were forced to learn about them.

My assigned seat was next to a boy with nicely done hair, it was  dark brown and he was the same one who was in my Literature class who happened to be staring at me.

''Ok class, to give our brains a warm up for the day, let's see if we can remember how well we know our former presidents!'' Miss Baust announced.

''Question Number 1. Who was the only President to serve more than two terms?''

Everyone began to sneak in their books until Miss caught them however World History was as easy as cutting a slice of cake for me.

I put my hand up eagerly, attracting everyone's attention .

''Yes, you , our new student.'' she pointed at me with a glint in her eye.

''Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President for over 12 years, the longest time in office. He is the only president to serve more than two terms; he died shortly into his fourth term in 1945.'' I answered proudly.

''Correct! That was a very developed answer , I'm impressed.'' she smiled at me and folded her arms.

''Okay, who was the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms?''

''Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms and is counted chronologically as both the twenty-second and the twenty-fourth president.'' I answered again.

''Well done!'' she clapped her hands together .

Now the whole class was really becoming eager to answer it before I did, some of them sneaking their phones out of their bags, trying to find the answers.

''Last question, so everyone open your ears, .....Who was the oldest elected President?''

This was easy.

''Ronald Reagan was the oldest president to assume office at 69 years, 349 days on January 20, 1981.'' I answered, once again.

''How on Earth does she know the days?'' A boy asked, turning around to look at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. My old school had some really excellent teachers there, if I must say.

''So new girl.. what's your name?'' Miss Baust questioned with a grin on her face.

''Camilla.'' I told her, grinning back

She nodded her head , mentally noting it before focusing on the class ''Okay, you lazy mutts, get your equipment out.''

We took out our equipment but not everyone got that far as most of them took that opportunity to talk to their friends.

''How did you know the answers to all those questions? Do you have really good memory or is it just luck?'' the boy beside me asked.

''Mainly luck. Memory ; occasionally.'' I replied, placing my pen case on the desk.

''Why would you say that?'' he inquired.

''Because my memory sucks when it comes to remembering basic things like washing the dishes or doing my homework.''

''I would've answered those questions but I thought I might aswell cut the new girl some slack.'' he says coolly.

''I have a name, it's not the 'new girl' . It's Camilla .'' I told him.

''I'm Jason. ''

''Okay J-Dawg.'' I patted his shoulder and wrote the date at the top of my notepad.

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