Day 10. Lit

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It was Jai Lynne's party today and I felt like crap. It seemed I was going to have to gather up any energy left in my body just to attend this shit.

Hopefully Briana was the only one who wasn't invited, everyone clearly had enough of her.

It was 6:50pm and apparently the party started at 8:00, so I had more than enough time to get dressed, do my makeup and my hair. Plus I had to wait for Alexa to come, so the time limit was fine.

There was bound to be billions of girls ready to be fondled by all of the boys, wearing their shortest dresses and cheap push-up bras with extra lipstick ..

I changed into my outfit (pictured at beginning) I made sure it wasn't too dressy as if I was ready to go to prom, I knew for sure some people would be coming in prom dresses just for the attention. Mine was more on the casual side.

It was a white bralette with floral embroidery on the rim , blue jeans and I paired it with leather white Converse.


I applied mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss. Lipstick was too much.. well it was for me.

Yasmin burst into my room rudely and sat on my bed. ''Someone's ready to party.''

She was wearing a white dress with mesh at the top and white stilletos, her hair was curled and she had on red lipstick.

''Where are you going?'' I asked, admiring her outfit.

''I'm going to Jai Lynne's party aswell, she's a really close friend of mine and invited me .'' Yasmin replied, smiling.

''How do you know Jai Lynne?''

''Well, if you done your research you would know that Jai is in university. She used to go to your school. She's 23, but could pass for 19. Don't worry , only a few big kids will be there. The rest are from your school ; Kayville.'' Yasmin explained.

All this time Jai Lynne wasn't even in our school.

Thanks Alexa for letting me know (!)

''Where's your ride?'' Yasmin questioned, tapping her heels against my floor.

''She'll be here soon, now if you don't mind I need to do my hair. Leave .'' I ordered.

''No can do.'' She shook her head still smiling.

Instead of joining in her stupid games I ignored her and took out my straighteners and began turning my hair from messy to dead straight. The dirty blonde/brown looked lighter somehow and my dipdye from 9th grade was slowly fading away.

I hated it anyway.

After nearly an hour, I was done and content. It was 7:40 and the party started in exactly 20 minutes. Where was Alexa?

Yasmin had left a little earlier on. Her new boyfriend Zachary picked her up, the Romeo and Juliet ensemble had gone together as a date.

Numerous beeping sounds were heard from outside , I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Alexa, Tori, Kaitlin and Jeda all in Alexa's Range Rover.

I ran out of the house and hopped into the car, holding my purse on my shoulders.

Kaitlin bagsied the front seat, so I was stuck in the back with Jeda and Tori.

Jeda was certainly dressed to impress, she was in a pink boob tube, extra high shorts; showing of her butt and thick wedged pink heels with her whole face covered in makeup.

This was clearly all for those boys, especially Jason.

Kaitlin was more conservative , she was wearing a plain white tshirt tucked into a leather black skater skirt and white Vans. No makeup and her hair in a bun.

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