Day 3. Welcome To Kayville

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My annoyingly loud alarm rang as it woke me up for my first day at my new school; Kayville High . I was dreading the thought that I'd have to make new friends all over again & sit next to people I barely know anything about. I stopped the alarm & wondered if I should actually go to school... But no ..

Of course there was no way I could just bail school on the first day, because that would not be a very good first impression.

Slowly, I got up out of bed & noticed that they had unpacked all my furniture & put it in the room for me . Aw. I'm touched .

Everything was placed in the right places, but there was still room for improvements. I opened my wardrobe & noticed they had put all my clothes in the wardrobe aswell , I know for sure mom done that all .

My new school didn't require a uniform, so that was good as I loved dressing up for school. No matter what, its always good to make a good first impression.

I picked up my towel , toothbrush & headed into the bathroom which I'm guessing would be all to me as mom , dad & Yasmin had their own .

I brushed my teeth with my  toothpaste & looked at my face in the mirror , it looked tired , miserable & drained all at once. That could be easily fixed.

After brushing away , I got into the shower & let the warm water shoot itself at me . There was  coconut shampoo sitting there , begging me to use it.

I pumped two squirts & placed my head under the soothing water , rubbing my head with the shampoo.

10 minutes of cleaning my long hair & I was finished . My arms ached a bit but the coconut essence lingered which was a good thing. I wrapped my towel around myself & walked back to my room allowing my hair to air dry. I sat on my bed & looked at my reflection in the mirror .

My face now looked awake & I changed my frown to a smile to add a bit of positivity.

Opening my wardrobe door, I looked at the array of clothes , that stared right back at me . A kaleidoscope of colors shone , I guess you could say that my clothes described me.

There were so much clothes to choose from .

I looked outside the window to see the sun shining brightly. I'm guessing its going to be a hot day today , which is totally different from Atlanta at the moment .

I'll wear all white today . I changed into a lace skirt with a white sleeveless croptop. I paired that with a white Michael Kors bag & some jewellery. (Picture at beginning) . I looked classy & stylish . Just how I wanted to look .

Now onto my hair, this was my hardest decision . How should I style it for my first day ?

Eh. I'll just leave it straight . I brushed it till it was laying down on my back .

I walked over to my vanity & took out random pieces of makeup . I put on mascara, eyeliner & nude lipstick . I looked pretty but natural pretty.

I walked downstairs & into the kitchen which had all of its furniture in it & I'm guessing mom & dad went food shopping as we now had groceries. I looked for something to eat & saw a salad container  . I took it & looked for anything else available. I took a Reese's Pieces & a Capri Sun. This is probably what you call a balanced diet .

I wasn't really hungry for breakfast so I just shoved a minty chewing gum into my mouth & looked around the kitchen at how clean it was . We really had it good. This house was magnificent.

But I still missed Atlanta , my friends , the city , everything .

I checked my phone to see the time . It was 7:20 . Time goes pretty fast . Mom said she would drive me as she can show me the route as I'm not  familiar with California.

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