Day 21. This Family Of Mine

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After yesterdays catastrophe and nothing going according to plan , I decided to just stay home .

It had been a long while since I had actually spent time with my family and since everyone was staying home today, I might aswell acknowledge them.

I skipped downstairs and entered the kitchen to where everyone was.

"What's cooking?" I called, sitting besides dad.

They all looked at me as if I was an unwanted guest.

"Since when do you and Yasmin both stay home ? Are you girls up to something ?" Mom pondered.

Maybe I should interact with my parents a bit more, then this would seem more normal for them.

"No. Can't we stay home without you guys becoming suspicious ?" I argued .

A smile lit up on dads face as he continued to read his newspaper.

"Me & Zachary broke up .'' Yasmin announced.

Who cares ?

"You two have only been dating for 2 weeks!" Mom sighed.

I caught dad roll his eyes which was an obvious sign to say 'Jesus help me.'

"I know , but he keeps on listening to gothic music and doesn't want to spend anytime with me ."

I ended up rolling my eyes aswell. Was this girl really being serious ?

Mom ignored her & continued biting into her sandwich .

Dad turned towards me, "What's going on with you Camilla?"

Here he comes with the lesbian lecture.

"Nothing much. Just went out with Kyle yesterday,as you knew from yesterday."

"I heard Alexa out there yesterday." He mentioned.

I nodded my head, "Yeah. Her , Tori and Kaitlin accompanied us."

"Do the girls always have to follow you around?" He grumbled.

"They're my friends dad. I'm not interested in girls so take that thought out of your head please."

This was a belief of dads that I would have to endure for quite a long time.

He mumbled something quietly , furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Yasmin. Have you quit your job at that stupid shoe store LootFocker?" Mom questioned.

Yasmin looked up from her phone, towards me, to mom, then to to me and back to mom.

"I'm working on it ."

This was the calm before the storm ....

"Working on it ? You've been procrastinating so badly that I'm starting to wonder if you're going to live in that stupid LootFocker." Mom raised her voice.

I stifled a laugh "Mom it's FootLocker."

Here comes the storm..

"I don't give a crap . Maybe once your sister leaves that stupid store, we won't have to talk about it. Richard, tell your daughter please."

Dad took up the offer immediately and joined in "Your mother is right Yas, you need to get off your lazy butt , stop worrying about stupid emo maniac boys and get a job. A proper one!"

Now I remember why I don't hang out with this family.

I excluded myself from the situation and left the mental asylum.

I was in need of a walk, to give myself some time to just clear my mind.

It had only been four days into spring break and I was already dreading the next last five.

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