Day 23. You Again

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After school Alexa, Kaitlin and I were all outside of the building .

Since Alexa was in a pretty heated relationship with DeLuca, I had no choice but to be a supportive friend and wait for her after she was done allowing him to smother her lips in kisses.

Even if it was gross to watch them, let alone stand there being a third wheel.

Kaitlin and I were thirdwheeling so hard it wasn't even normal.

We couldn't see Alexa as she was engulfed in the circle of Kyle and his no-denyingly , good looking friends.

Tori was most probably there too. The thought of her made my blood boil.

"Ryan's going to be so mad knowing I'm hanging out with Kyle and his friends." Kaitlin stammered , biting her nails.

"Kaitlin, just because Kyle's gang of friends are in constant beef with Jason's gang of friends , it doesn't mean you can't be in their presence."

"I know, but I don't want him thinking anything."

"He won't . If he can't allow you to talk to certain people, then that's not a proper relationship." I told her.

She nodded her head understanding what I was saying.

"Let's go join Alexa ." Kaitlin dragged my arm, pulling me into the tiny crowd.

"No . I won't." I stopped in my tracks and stood with my arms folded.

"Please Cam."

She gave me puppy dog eyes , batting her long eyelashes.

She was trying to be like Puss In Boots but it wasn't working. Although I would feel partly guilty if it wasn't working.

Annoyed , I followed behind her , now in the group of guys.

Alexa had her arms wrapped around DeLuca as they shared millions of kisses , in what seemed like two seconds.

Tori was stood beside Kyle , talking to a black haired guy. Kyle's eyes were focused into his phone .

The rest of the guys were either on their phones or chatting away.

"Hey hot stuff." One of them put his arm around my shoulder.

I looked up at him to meet light blue eyes staring down at me , he was quite tall and had the skintone of an Italian.

"And you are?..." I gave him a look of disgust.

Even if he did look like America's Next  Top Italian Beautıful Model, I wasn't going to allow him to treat me like an object .

"Marco ." he gave a pearly white smile, exposing his jawline.

"Marco. I would prefer if you didn't put your muscular tanned arms around me and call me hot stuff. I am clearly not a temperature , but an actual human being. Specifically a girl."

I took his arm around from my shoulder, almost struggling from how heavy it was.

"Well if I knew how sassy you were going to be, I wouldn't have dared even acknowledged you." he scoffed

"I'm not in a good mood right now."

"Get your nails done. Go shopping. Something that most girls do to cheer themselves up." He suggested.

"No thanks. My nails are fine and I've got enough clothes for the whole economy."

He laughed and touched a strand of my hair "I see you got your hair done aswell."

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