Day 25. Riot

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The bell rang for lunch as I scurried to the cafeteria to sit at our usual spot.

I was the first person to reach the table so I sat down and took out my granola bar.

"You live on those things." Jason smirked,sitting stood in front of me.

"School food sucks. Plus this is healthy, I think." I chewed.

"I think it is." he laughed.

I caught Alexa walking into the cafeteria , Kaitlin following behind her.

"What are you doing here? This is strictly a no-boys zone." Kaitlin put one hand on her hip, staring down Jason.

"So not even Ryan is allowed ?" Jason questioned.

" .. no...yes.."

"No." I finished for her .

Kaitlin nodded her head quickly and sat besides me.

"I don't care what you dorks say. DeLuca is allowed." Alexa rolled her eyes, sitting opposite me.

"Actually, if you want to speak to DeLoco, you can go to his table." I grinned.

"There are no rules. I can sit wherever I want." Jason scoffed, sitting on the other side of me

Kyle walked into cafeteria, looking directly at me.

This must look really weird to him to see me talking to Jason, considering he stood up for me yesterday .

"Look what the cat dragged in." Jason muttered , referring to them both.

Close behind followed Tori. She tapped his shoulder and waved bye, except he barely noticed as he was too busy looking over here.

"Look what the cat dragged in again." he repeated, referring to Tori's presence.

Kyle soon went to his table and sat down, receiving greetings from all of his friends.

We all watched as Tori walked over to us. Her blindingly- bright hair in a crazy ponytail.

She sat next to Alexa, trying her hardest not to make eye contact with Jason who was deliberately staring at her on purpose.

"What is he doing here?" Tori whispered to Alexa , although it was quite loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm allowed to sit where I want . Isn't that right Kaitlin?" He gave Kaitlin a glare.


"Ryan." He mouthed, practically blackmailing my innocent friend.

I wanted to laugh at how vulnerable Kaitlin was . She was adorable.

"I mean...yeah.You are allowed sit where you want ." Kaitlin stammered, giving Tori a sorrowful look.

He gave Tori a smug smile, running his hands through his hair.

"This is like an episode of American Horror Story and right now Jason; you're the Twisted Clown." Alexa muttered, looking up from the  book she was reading.

"Who am I ?" Kaitlin asked.

"The scaredy-cat ..Meep. That egghead guy with the wisp of hair sticking out from his head."

I couldn't help but laugh and Alexa joined in too.

Kaitlin rolled her eyes and continued eating her M&M's.

"Jason !! " a voice shouted.

We all looked back to see DeLuca in a fight with Ryan.

Before the whole school could crowd around , we all got up and ran over. Jason trying to stop the fight , but ended up being hit by Marco. Eventually Kyle involved himself and soon enough , the two groups were having a full-blown WWE fight.

"Ryan stop!" Kaitlin screamed.

The whole cafeteria was cheering so Kaitlin's scream sounded like a whisper.

"DeLuca looks so hot when he fights " Alexa purred, twirling a strand of her hair.

Is she okay?

Principal Phillips ran in with the Assistant Principal's and tried to stop it. Principal Phillip's made a wrong decision as I'm pretty sure he got hit in his eye by Marco.

Shockingly, water came running down from the sprinklers, spraying everyone.

I'm guessing one of the Assistant Principal's turned it on.

"Oh shit, my hair!!" All the girls screamed, finding anything they could to cover their heads.

"Forget hair. What about my makeup?" Another girl yelled.

"Makeup is not a big issue if you've got that Urban Decay setting spray." Alexa chuckled , pointing at her face.

The boys stopped fighting as soon as the sprinklers touched them. Each of them  being dragged desperate ways by Principal Phillips and Assistant Principal Daryl.

"Everyone to the hall now!!" Assistant Principal Fergus yelled, pointing down the corridor.

"Ugh." I grunted.

Everyone in the cafeteria went in the direction he pointed towards and we all sat down , the majority of us girls.

"Did you see Marco punch Principal in the eye by accident?" I gasped.

"That was one hell of a punch." Briana cackled behind us.

"It wasn't a good thing." Alexa looked up at her in disgust.

"Did I ask for your stupid opinion? , slut."

"How about I give you a punch.. Would you laugh about that? " Alexa growled, standing up.

Briana went silent as Alexa sat down .

"SILENCE." Principal Philips voice echoed throughout the hall.

The room went into silence as he entered, all the Assistant's behind him.

"I am disgusted.  The fact that none of you tried to call a teacher is absurd . The fact that you all cheered them on is horrendous. I think we all know that type of behavior at Kayville is completely unnaceptable and we do not, definitely do not accept that attitude towards school .
Especially since ONE OF THEM ASSAULTED ME. "

"World star." Alexa snickered.

"I've just finished talking to those wild dogs and they're all excluded for 3 days, until next week. Because actions do and will always come with consequences. Just know if any of you dare to stand around next time commotion like that happens, then you will also be out of my school for a temporary amount of time. " he warned us.

"You may be dismissed." Assistant Principal Darby spoke.

Each line was dismissed , row by row out of the room .

"What lesson do we have now?"

"I think Math." I groaned.

Kaitlin, Tori, Alexa and I all went to our different subjects .

3 days without any of those boys ? I wonder how female percentage of the school would cope.

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