Day 7. Fake Boyfriend Maybe?

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2 more days till Friday, I couldn't wait.

I was walking to school today as mom complained about being too tired to drive me . Yasmin had to take a bus to work which made me a bit happy, as seeing her not getting her way was my favourite thing.

''Hey, so Saturday we're just going to hang out in the town because there's so much more stuff to do.'' Kaitlin came up to me , her eyes on her phone the whole time.

''That's fine. You guys can just give me a tour around Cali anyway.'' I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly .

From the other side of the school building, Jeda, Alexa and Tori speedwalked over to us with angry looks on their faces.

What on Earth has happened now?

''That bitch!'' Jeda spat, looking down at her shirt.

''Oh my God. What the hell happened to you?'' I asked, staring at Jeda's pink shirt covered in nacho's and cheese.

''Briana threw her disgusting food on it. This shirt is from my favorite online store, it was $35 . I'm going to kill her, hand me a gun.'' Jeda shrieked, flapping her hands about .

''Why did she do that?''

''Because I was speaking to Jason. Like what the fuck ?! Jason is not her property, anyone can speak to him.'' Jeda shrieked, she took a tissue from Alexa's hand and began dabbing at her shirt.

''I was 10 seconds away from punching her until Tori held me back. You certainly don't mess with me or my friends. '' Alexa huffed, rolling her eyes.

The bell went grabbing everyone's attention and Jeda began to dab at her shirt frantically, Alexa patting her back comfortingly.

''We're not going to class until my shirt is clean.'' Jeda said, looking up at all of us.

''Jeda! I've got the Spanish with the strictest scariest teacher ever..... Mr Forde. we all know what he's like. I can't possibly be late.'' Tori explained, walking away from us slowly.

''Okay, fine.'' Jeda sighed.

Tori walked off , leaving us 4 girls standing there staring at Jeda's cheese- covered shirt . None of us knowing what to do.

''Let's go to the girls toilet.'' I suggested, leading the way.

They all followed behind and we rushed inside to the empty bathroom. Kaitlin ran into a cubicle and came back out with loads of tissue, Alexa ran some water and covered the tissues in it. Each of us took some and started swiping at her shirt.

(swiper no swiping

Slowly, the yellow color started to fade off of her shirt, leaving a dark patch on the side of it. It was soaking wet and looked a hot mess.

''Turn on the dryer, this is crazy.'' Jeda looked down at her shirt and shook her head in dismay.

I put my hands under the dryer and  it automatically turned on . Jeda went underneath it,  allowing the to dry her shirt.

''I'm going to get Briana after school. You guys better come .'' Alexa announced.

''Alexa don't. She's not worth it.'' I told her.

''I don't care. She may not be worth it.. but that slut deserves it. It's about time she got what she deserves. ''

''Fine, but I'm not attending that ruckus.'' I mentioned.

''You have to. You're like part of us, it's only right if you do.'' Tori said.

''I'm not attending it .'' I repeated.

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