Day 16. New Image

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''The two hottest guys in our school both have a thing for you. Thot.'' Alexa spoke, gulping down a can of Pepsi.

We were sat in the cafeteria after school waiting for Tori to arrive. Kaitlin was beside me on her phone to Ryan, Jeda was still being a hoe somewhere.

''I'm hanging out with Kyle today.'' I mentioned.

''Don't do the nasty.'' Kaitlin mouthed, causing me and Alexa to burst out laughing.

''What are you guys really doing though?" Alexa asked, slamming her can to the table unintentionally.

''I'm going to dye my hair, then go cliff diving and skateboarding.'' I told her, a smile lighting up my face .

''Sounds fun. My hair is a mess.'' Alexa sighed, playing with her brown curls.

''Your hair is perfect. You have natural curls , unlike the girls out her struggling to even get a ringlet.'' I scoffed, touching her hair.


''Hey my fair ladies.'' Tori smiled, plopping down onto a chair beside Alexa.

''Hey.'' we all greeted her.

There was an awkward silence but Kaitlin quickly ended it by talking . ''So, what's happening with you and Jason?''

''He was busy yesterday, he said he had to  go to his mom's friends house or something. Whatever stupid shit that was. Like what the heck, he put that lame stuff before me?.'' Tori rolled her eyes and leant her chin on her hand casually.

She treats him like crap.

''Are you doing anything today?'' I inquired.

''He said he's taking me to an antique store. What's the point of that? Looking at old wooden furniture which is worth probably .. $10.''

Kaitlin hung up her phone whilst laughing, Alexa and I were silent but smiled to make it seem as if her rude joke was funny.

''He's most probably going to take us to the beach next. I might break  up with him. Imagine... Jason Carter gets dumped!'' Tori cried, clapping her hands together in glee.

Alexa looked over at me and I done the same to her.

How could Tori be so mean? she wasn't like this before. Maybe being in a relationship is just not for her, especially if she's going treat her boyfriend like crap.

''Well I gotta go and change into the most inexpensive clothes I've got just to fit in with the antique shop.'' Tori breathed, getting up from the table, leaving us.

''Good luck to them both.'' Alexa lied.

Jason was going to get dumped soon and something was telling me maybe I should tell him.

Eventually we began to walk out of the school and Kaitlin went home, leaving me and Alexa by ourselves.

''I think your knight in shining armour is there.'' Alexa whispered, nodding her head in the direction of Kyle who sat on the short wall surrounding the side of the school.


Kyle was looking over at me, a few guys crowding him but they all soon dissapeared as I finally made my way to him.

''Catch you later.'' Kyle waved away his friends .

I didn't know he was more popular than Jason , it was like they were in constant battle over who ran the school.

I stood infront of him, he had more tanned skin due to the burning sensation of the sun. His blonde hair was more darker and his eyes looked a darker blue.

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