Day 33. Family Ties

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"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm scared . Ryan doesn't even know yet and I'm not ready for his reaction. "

"I'm sure he will have some understanding and not completely disown you." I reassured her.

She began to laugh maniacally. "You , you , you do not know Ryan."

I was going to speak until our Chemistry teacher walked back in, following behind her was Kyle's group of friends and Jason's group , including the two of them.

"Now I've got my whole class, I need you all in 3 groups of 10. You have 5 minutes so hurry up."

The whole class started moving around , people were making their own tables for their whole group of 10 in what seemed less than 2 minutes. Kaitlin , Alexa and I didn't speak to any of the other girls at this school .

I looked around and noticed Jason staring at me , he raised both his eyebrows and moved his hands , telling me to come to his group.

I turned back around and faced Kaitlin. "You should talk to Ryan or he's going to notice something is wrong. " I told her.

"Please come with me to his group." she begged, giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Lex, let's go with Kaitlin, I know you wanna go with DeLuca but she needs us there. "

She sighed. "Fine, but your boyfriend and mine are going to be furious."

I didn't really care about what any boys thought , Kaitlin had been here for me since the time I came to Kayville. The girls accepted me into their tightknit group with no hesitation . It was chicks before dicks anyday.

We joined Jason's groups and just like I thought, Kyle , DeLuca, Marco and the rest were all staring . DeLuca and Kyle with their fists clenched .

I got out my phone and texted Kyle , I didn't have the energy to even get into an argument.

It's for Kaitlin and her ..situation

He looked down at his phone after I sent him the text and I watched as his fingers swiftly tapped away.

u know I wouldn't care if it was any other boy except for him .. u guys have HAD a history remember .

Tori entered the classroom unusually late and noticed how the room was separated.

Our group already had ten people so she had no choice but to join Kyle's group, no matter how badly I didn't want her to.

Just as I expected, after Miss explained to her what was going on, she was on her heels straight to Kyle's group.

I knew that she had no choice but to join their group, but what was annoying me was the fact that she gave him a hug as soon as she joined.

"I thought she changed , I guess not. " Alexa whispered. I nodded my head in agreement. "So did I ."

Ignoring her , we focused back to our group and waited for Miss to assign us with our task .

"Okay class, I want each group to come up with a new form of electricity. So , you have to give details on what the electric is used for, how it benefits its users and what will the design of it look like when being displayed in a store. "

"This is easy, I already have a good idea." Tori squealed, clapping her hands together.

"The best form of electricity will win a free trip to Six Flags . " she went on.

That's when everyone was in awe, Six Flags was the most fun theme park ever and I know for sure no one in our class had been their in a long time due to their amazed reactions.

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