Day 27. Maybe

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Thankfully, I had recovered from my dreadful illness and could finally breathe properly, without my nose barely allowing air to go up it.

I still was a bit down and my mood was down in the dumps but I somehow managed to drag myself to school; where I was now .

Unlike my other glamorous days here, today was not the day of dressing up .

I was wearing a black and white Adidas tracksuit with leather black converse .

My hair was scrunched into a neat ponytail and my makeup consisted of winged eyeliner, mascara and black lipstick .

Since Yasmin loved to criticize my
dark soul, I decided to dress like it .

"What happened to you ?!" Kaitlin gasped, staring me up and down.

"I didn't feel like dressing to impress." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I personally think that black lip stick looks bomb on you. Wear it more often." Alexa complimented.

"I agree." I smiled, as we entered the school.

We split up and went our seperate ways , heading to first period.

Mine was World History which I was partly glad about.

I sat in my seat as the whole class was endulged in their own conversations.

I must've been quite late as Miss Baust was reading her GetFit magazine and there were sheets on everyone's table, which they weren't clearly paying attention to.

"You look .. different . " Jason chuckled, facing towards me.

"It's my new look."

"It looks .. creepy. Like, you're about to murder anyone who looks at you in the wrong way."

"He's basically saying you look like a frightening  idiot ." Briana joined in from behind me.

"You know what you should do with your opinion ? Write it on a piece of paper. Scrunch it up and shove it up your ass." I turned around , giving her a fake smile.

She opened her mouth in surprise, looking at me in disgust.

Jason snickered, reading the sheet of paper.


I entered the cafeteria 10 minutes late, due to having a conversation with my math teacher about my grades.

To my surprise, there were more people at our table that don't normally sit there.

Which were all recognizable faces; Kyle, Ryan, DeLuca, Jeda , Jason and Marco.

Alexa and Kaitlin were still there. Alexa's arms around DeLuca, Kaitlin leaning on Ryan's shoulder.

I noticed Jason and Ryan had their fists clenched, just in case Marco or Kyle tried anything.

Which I highly doubted they would.

They all seemed to be having an interesting conversation. One I didn't want to interrupt.

I sat down at an empty table and took out my food, phone and World History book.

Since I had been slacking lately, I might aswell finish off my answer to the source question Miss had provided.

Eventually I was finished and began browsing H&M, then F21 and most definitely Amazon , for some phone cases.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" A voice spoke.

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