Day 15. Good vs Bad

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Alexa slunk further and further down into her chair until only her head was poking out.

The majority of the class was in that same mood due to the fact that Miss Baust had assigned us a 2000 word essay and we weren't allowed to type it.

It was all to be done by hand ....the struggle is going to be real for us all.

''This sucks.'' I heard a kid from behind me say.

Low murmurs were heard from the rest of the class , agreeing with whoever it was that spoke.

Miss Baust ignored us all and began to shop online. I knew she was doing this as I saw once when I was speaking to her beside her desk. Jimmy Choo, Gucci and Bonmarche were just a few of the sites I saw her browsing on.

''Have you seen Tori?'' Jason asked, looking over at me.

''Nope.'' I replied , not once taking my eyes off of the notebook I was doodling on.

''You guys are best friends.. I'm pretty sure you've seen her.''

''If you're so sure , why ask?'' I sighed, my pen becoming a bit more rough against the paper.

For a few seconds he didn't say anything and leant back in his chair, but eventually started talking again.

''You're angry with me. Why?''

''I'm not angry with you.'' I muttered.

''Then why aren't you calling me J-Dawg? '' he asked.

''Because I don't need to .''

''Whatever.'' he rolled his eyes and put his head against the desk.

The whole lesson I was hoping the fire alarm would go off, so I had a reason to leave the classroom instead of making up a lame excuse.

Eventually when the lesson did end, everyone rushed out, heading to Gym. I swear I had this class, for what felt like, every day.

This time I promised myself I would try and make an effort by actually getting active and trying to join in with the rest of the enthusiastic girls.

Everyone was so intent on getting this 'summer body' except for me. My body was perfect the way it was, I was petite and small. The way I preferred it.

Like always, I was the last one out of the locker rooms. Mainly because the whole time whilst everyone else was getting changed, I was on my phone texting Alexa who was in Math.

I was standing in my bra and gym shorts, looking at my reflection in the mirror the school actually allowed us to have.

''Don't you have a lesson?'' a voice whispered behind me.

Jason stood directly behind me, once again with no shirt on and breathing heavily. This time Jesus didn't need to take the wheel. I was angry at him and until he could atleast apologize.. I wasn't interested.

''Yes, I'm going to be there if you can leave the room for me to get changed.'' I answered.

''No can do. I'm liking the view from where I am right now.'' he smirked, leaning his chin on my shoulder.

''Can you not?'' I brushed him off, annoyed and went looking for my gym shirt.

I picked it up and threw it on before he could admire anymore of me, it was making me uncomfortable.

''Aw, man. Now my great view has dissapeared.'' he chuckled, running his hands through his hair.


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