Day 19. Date Night

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Since last night I hadn't been in the right state of mind.

Mom and dad had been sleeping all morning . All last night they were up debating about why Aunt Gretchen had fainted.

Although, somehow I managed to drag myself out of my cocoon (bed), get showered , dressed and downstairs ; to where I was now .

"You look so pretty Camilla! " Yasmin squealed , looking me up and down.

This was my first and most probably last time ever getting a compliment from Yasmin Ryanair.

I was extremely grateful.

"Thanks Yasmin." I grinned.

I watched as she opened cupboards ,taking out ingredients and turning on the frying pan.

"What are you all dressed up for anyway?" she questioned.

"I'm going on a date with my friend Kyle. "

I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face just from the thought of Kyle.

His signature smirk, tan skin ,poems and  effortless jokes.

I texted him to make sure everything was going smoothly for today:

Me: Are you coming soon ?

"Let me do your hair !" Yasmin pleaded, stopping her cooking.

I gave her one look and chuckled.

Her hair was now black with red dipdye.

It was too crazy - looking for my liking, so I could only imagine what she would conjure on my vulnerable strands.

"Maybe not ."

Yasmin rolled her eyes and began  dishing out food for herself.

I breathed in the sweet aroma of what smelt like noodles of some type.

"That smells good." I sniffed.

"All mine though." She chuckled , slurping up the contents.

My phone buzzed and I quickly checked my messages:

Kyle: I'm literally 3 mins away

"It's from Kyle." I looked up at Yasmin .

"Answer then idiot."

This was the hard part of talking to a boy. What do you say ?

I was empty out of ideas and responded back simply.

Me: Okay

"He's going to be here in no longer than 1 minute."

Yasmin nodded her head , unable to speak due to her stuffed mouth.

Hastily , I ran to the wall mirror in the hallway and looked myself up and down. I seemed to look pretty good but it was just my nervousness holding me down.

The doorbell rang and I slowly walked to the door.

"Calm down Camilla." I hissed to myself.

I don't know why but I was shaking like a leaf. This was my first time ever properly having a crush on  a guy, let alone dating.

"Hey." I smiled, opening the door.

"You look gorgeous." Kyle smirked, admiring my attire.

I stifled a laugh and grinned, "Same for you."

He was wearing a white and gray muscle - shirt , black jeans and black vans.

"Wanna come in or.." I suggested, pointing inside.

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