Day 30. Drama

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"What's going on with you two ? Is it official or what ? Did he propose ? Will you call the kids Kymilla ?" Alexa rambled.

"Nothing is going on between us. Yes, it is official. No, he hasn't proposed and I am not planning on losing my virginity to someone I've been going out with for less than 24 hours to make a child called Kymilla." I responded .

We were back to school and already Alexa had a million questions, Kaitlin sat beside her daydreaming.

"Did you open any of our presents yet ?" Alexa asked . "Nope, I wanted to open them tonight by myself." I reply simply.

Tori came over sat next to me, Jeda joining her. "Is Marco gorgeous or what ?"

Everyone went silent , since we were all kinda taken, although I didn't know if Jeda had a boyfriend but she didn't say anything either .

Me and Alexa gave each other a look, then took out our phones to end the awkwardness.

"Guys I've got something to say and if you're going to sit here and judge me , then fine but I don't care.." Kaitlin spoke .

"What's up ?" Alexa nudged her . The rest of us looked on in curiosity. "I'm pregnant." She announced .

Wait what ?

"YOU'RE WHAT ?!" Alexa shouted, nearly screaming.

Most of the cafeteria looked over then got back to their conversations as soon as I gave them the death stare.

"Sorry." Kaitlin apologized to Alexa . Alexa looked as if she was about to attack anyone that looked at her wrong. "Go ahead and find yourself on 16 and Pregnant . Congrats to you." Alexa sarcastically said.

"I'm 15." Kaitlin cried. "Well you've made a new world record . " Alexa got up from her seat and stormed off.

"Kaitlin , how long have you known this ?" I decided to ask. "For about two weeks. I found out when we started back school."

Two whole weeks.

Jeda looked on in pity as though she had experienced it herself."Does Ryan know?"


Was she serious ?

"Two whole weeks and you haven't told him you've got his fetus living inside of you ?" Jeda scoffed. I shot her a stare and she shutup.

"I'm not keeping it. Everyone will think I'm a slut."

"Have you ever heard of protection?" I questioned , scrunching my brows in confusion.

Kaitlin rolled her eyes and dropped her head to the table, her hair sprawled over the table. "I need to speak to Alexa. ' she mumbled.

"Do you guys think you will be able to come over my house tonight ? We can all speak there." Jeda said, shaking Kaitlin's hand .

I nodded my head regardless of my conflict with her. Tori nodded her head as well and Kaitlin just about made out the words okay .

I could see why Alexa was angry at Kaitlin. All of the time I had been at Kayville, Alexa played the mother role to her and Kaitlin just threw it in her face.

The bell rang signalling for fifth period and we all slunked off to our next lesson.

-end of school -

"What are you doing tonight ?" Kyle asked.

"I would've been free tonight but there's girl trouble in our  group."

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