Day 22. The NEW New Girl

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What I thought was going to be the best Spring Break ever , actually turned out to be the worst.

Since Kyle had mysteriously became friends with Tori overnight since the visiting of his dad (which I didn't get to attend) it seemed I had no one to hang out with.

This was mainly because when I hung out with the girls, they were all in their own little worlds.

Alexa was off with that DeLuca guy for what seemed like everyday. Kaitlin was still head over heels in love with Ryan Kirkland and their soppy love-strung phone calls were endless, something which I couldn't endure for more than 24 hours. Jeda was trying to win over with Jason. Jason was always at his house from what his mother told me and as you already know and Tori was constantly with Kyle.

Tommorow we were back at school and somehow, I was excited.

Alot had changed over this short period of time.

Yasmin finally allowed her smart brain go to use and found a proper job , much to mom's satisfaction. She was working at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Although she has a new boyfriend named Eric. The only good thing about him is that he has a job, unlike her previous ones and he wasn't into goth music, so he was in the all-clear.

Dad was back at work and got shorter hours; thankfully, but he still questioned my interests in girls.

Someone help me.

Mom was now doing yoga to help calm her nerves after all the stress Yasmin gave her.

So far, everyone was in a good place.

I decided to come back to Kayville with a different wardrobe, different attitude towards my tutors and a different look overall.

Instead of being known as Camilla; the new girl. I wanted to come back more welcoming to new people. Make new friends , since mine were constantly busy.

This time I would come back as the 'New , New Girl'.

This whole week I had been clothes shopping and changed my hair color to a darker shade

Instead of the plain blonde I had before, it was now hazel with light brown highlights.

Mom approved of it much more than the last one, she said this hairstyle was more natural-looking.

Yasmin still suggested I go for black with purple highlights but I just ignored her crazy suggestion.

I was sitting in Yasmin's room as she went on and on about how excited she was to be finally working at a proper job.

''Look how nicely it fits!'' she shrieked, as she tried on the black and silver concierge outfit the hotel had provided her.

I stared at her outfit and done a thumbs up sign. She looked so clever and brainy in it, even if she did have the memory of a fish.

''They even gave me a nametag.'' she pointed at the plastic gold tag with her name engraved on it.

''Atleast you're having the time of your life. I've got school tommorow.'' I yawned, rolling my eyes.

Yasmin sauntered over to me, pretending to be famous. ''If you want to be successful, you will need education. Just focus on your goals and everything else will fit into place.''

I nodded my head agreeing with her statement. It was true, but just the thought of seeing Tori tommorow, most probably with Kyle erked my  soul.

It's as if that date I had with him meant nothing. Was it just for entertainment, did it even mean anything to him?

''You know what Yasmin? I'm going to walk into school only acknowledging who I want to and if anyone wants to throw a fit because I'm ignoring them, then go ahead. I'm coming back to Kayville to make a statement that I'm not one to be toyed with.'' I projected.

Yasmin looked at me in awe, reaching out for a high five ''You go girl.''

I high-fived her and left the room so I could begin setting my outfit out for tommorow.

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