Day 17. Fans

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(picture of Camilla's new hair)

Today I would have to walk back into school with my new hairdo. I wasn't really prepared for everyones reactions but it's whatever.

It was weird not having it hanging down all the way to my waist, instead it lay against my arms.

Somehow it was a relief as before it was always in my face and flowing everywhere.

Since mom was knackered I walked to school, Yasmin joined me too.

''Your hair looks awesome, but I feel like that colour is too light-hearted and innocent for me because everyone knows I'm a badass.'' Yasmin bragged, playing with her dark burgundy red hair.

''Thanks?'' I was unsure of whether she was complimenting me, or complimenting herself.

''I told Zachary that you should've got black because it reflects your soul.'' she went on.

''My soul is not black.'' I furrowed my brows at her stupid comment.

''Well, you always wear black clothes and act depressed.''

''That's a lie.'' I argued.

Since when do I always wear black clothes and act depressed? I'm always smiling. Well, at home I am.

''Whatever you say.. Aunt Gretchen.'' she giggled.

''There's nothing wrong with me being like Aunt Gretchen. She's unique, maybe if you tried to get to know your aunt you would understand her.''

''No thanks. She might conjure up a magic spell in her cauldron and turn me into a black cat.''

''Yasmin, grow up.'' I sighed, trying not to laugh at how stupid she sounds.

''Anyway, I've got to go and sell sneakers , whilst dressed like a barcode in my Footlocker uniform. See ya Aunt Gretchen.'' she pushed me and turned onto the main roads.

Atleast she was gone, I could walk in silence just how I liked it.

One thing I hated about walking to school was that I had to walk past Jason's home, especially right now as he was leaving his house.

He might not recognize me as my hair was covering the side of my face, thank God.

For a few seconds he was staring then shrugged his shoulders and got into his car and drove off.

Did Jason really not notice me? Maybe I could like .. fool everyone and become a New Girl... twice .

Eventually when I did reach the school I caught loads of stares just like the first day when I came here.

''Hey, are you new?'' a random guy with freckles asked me.

''..No , I'm Camilla.'' I replied , raising an eyebrow.

''Oh.. you look different. '' he walked away.

I walked inside the school and it seemed I was the topic of conversation so far. A few girls came up to me and asked where I got my hair done, but I lied and said my sister done it.

I didn't want girls with the same hairstyle as me.

The bell rung for first period which was World History. I hadn't had that lesson in a long time .

I entered the classroom and sat down. Alexa was sat in the row infront of me on the left, she was on her phone so she hadn't noticed me yet.

''You're sitting in Camilla's seat.'' Jason came up to me and tapped my shoulder.

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