Day 34. Situationship

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After the icy conversation over dinner with Jason's father, I was not planning on visiting his house in a while.

Although what his father said was true , there was no need for it to bother him so much. Me and Jason were just friends. I'm guessing his dad is used to loads of girls coming over and using his son for money but I wasn't like that.

Our final lesson of Chemistry was today since after the weekend it was prom. I had my dress and I was going to do my own makeup, all I needed now was a limo for myself and the girls.

"Do you think Ryan would mind if you came in the limo with us ?" I asked Kaitlin.

"Um.. I don't think so. Just aslong as he's got a free ride and alcohol then he's fine." She replied , rolling her eyes.

"What about you and DeLoco?" I faced Alexa who was texting him right this moment. "It's DeLuca and he wouldn't mind , just aslong Ryan doesn't start anything . "

Kaitlin gave Alexa the evils and playfully pushed her . This was going to be the weirdest journey ever.

"Do you guys understand how awkward this will be ? Two rival groups in the same limo with all that alcohol. Make sure your men behave, because I know Kyle will."

"That's if you and Kyle are even together by then." Jeda muttered.
I knew Jeda was much more humble and had changed from her wild child days , it was clear she wasn't trying to be rude but Instead warn me .

"Why would you say that?" I pondered.

"Yesterday, after school, he was with Tori and they looked pretty comfortable. Maybe your boyfriend is reading poems to someone else now . "

"Tori tori,

you make me so horny,

I just want you in my bed ,

please call me . " Alexa rapped , laughing and soon Kaitlin joined in with her.

"Shut up the both of you." I folded my arms , rolling my eyes.

"We've got Chemistry with him next , talk to him then, talk about prom or something. You guys are going together and you don't even know what his wearing." Jeda spoke .

"I know, but his been going missing a lot. "

"What else did you see after school ? Where were they headed ? " Alexa tapped Jeda's shoulder.

"He had his arm around her and they were laughing alot, then I went home but my mom asked me to get her a caramel frappe from Starbucks and they were in there both in the line waiting to order. "

"So they basically went on a date to Starbucks?" Alexa scoffed. "If your gonna cheat , atleast take her to Olive Garden or something."

The bell rung for last period and all of us looked at each other with an evil look in our eyes. I wasn't the type of girl to confront someone with a whole group but Tori deserved it.

"Let's speak to her." Jeda grinned, showing her pearly whites.

Alexa was already up with her curls effortlessly bouncing as she walked. We joined and headed to Chemistry.

"You guys have turned me into such a Regina George. I'm supposed to be the Kadie." I said , remembering Mean Girls.

"Oh, don't worry, we're all Regina George's." Said Alexa.

That was true. Jeda had a little evil in her and so did Kaitlin when she wasn't focused on Ryan. And we all knew Alexa was Queen Mean.

As we entered the classroom, Kyle's whole group was already there and so was mine . Miss wasn't in the classroom yet so everyone was chilling out. That's when we saw her, sitting right beside Kyle as if she forgot this was my lesson aswell.

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