Day 20. Texas

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Whether Kyle liked it or not .. we were going to visit his father .

It wasn't fun for me to see him without a father; his real father.

Yes Jerry was his stepdad, but it was quite obvious he wasn't happy with him, regardless of whether Jerry was kind .

I decided to dress casual, but also classy. If we were to successfully find his father, I might as well have a good first impression.

I strolled downstairs & went into the garden  .

No one was out here so I had it all to myself . I sat on the lawn chair as the sun shone onto my face, warming me.

The highway was right behind our house so the sound of cars driving by was extremely loud, although very relaxing .

"How was last night ?"

I craned my neck to see Yasmin walking towards to where I was sitting .

"Awesome ." I grinned, remembering it all.

She sat beside me , crossing her legs as if she was of some royalty.

"Mom noticed you were missing. I lied and told her you were with Alexa ."

"Seriously?" I asked her in disbelief .

Yasmin nodded her head, a sly smile creeping up on her face.

"What's the catch Yasmin?" I furrowed my brows , giving her my evil eyes.

"Nothing ! Why do you always think there's a catch ?" she raised her voice.

"Because there's always a catch with you Yasmin." I muttered.

Yasmin laughed and lay back in the chair.

"Where are you going today?"

"To see one of Kyle's relatives." I responded, trying to give as little information as possible .

She nodded her tiny head again as I stood up and walked back inside.

"Where are you off to ?" Dad asked .

He was sat in the living room watching Mob Wives with mom.

I joined and sat opposite them. It was obvious I had an important question as to why dad paused the channel.

"Well, ... Kyle , my friend ; as you both know is living with his mother and stepdad. He hasn't spoken to his father in ages and I really want him to have a relationship with his dad so he can work on his commitment issues. So... I offered to join him in going to Texas to meet his dad." I rambled , my hands shaking.

There was an eerie silence. I'm pretty sure dad nudged mom softly to see what her thoughts were.

"Texas. As in another state?" Mom spoke .

Slowly, I nodded my head. It was as if I had already seen my plane ticket to Germany before it even happened.

I saw myself in the future, mom on the phone to Aunt Sal , telling her about how I wanted to go to Texas .. with a boy.

I pictured myself going onto a plane with Aunt Sal to be tormented by her and being forced to wear old granny clothes, so that no guy would ever find me attractive.

I could see it all before it even happened.

"I think it is a great idea. As long as you're not constantly hanging out with those female friends of yours." Dad chirped.

Trust dad to get involved with his stupid theory of me being a lesbian.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Mom disagreed .

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