Day 9. TGIF

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Thank God it's Friday.

This whole week has been a whirlwind of drama, boys and craziness.

Yesterday was still on my mind. Jason just kissed me randomly and I had told the girls just now, all of them shocked. Jeda went quite and hardly involved herself in the conversation, from what I remember; she frequently talks to him.

We were sitting on the bench outside of the school building as numerous teenagers passed us, all rushing off to chill out.

Jason and his group of friends were huddling around next to where we were sitting. Every so often Ryan Kirkland, one of Jason's friends, would look over and smile at Kaitlin, then she would smile back.

''We've decided to go to Jai Lynne's party tommorow instead.'' Alexa told me.

''Great.'' I nodded my head.

Tori noticed me looking over at Jason.

''You've actually gotten accepted into the Prestigious Group. Lucky bitch.'' Tori scoffed, looking at me.

''Prestigious Group? Aw, come on . There just a group of really good looking boys , not that good enough for their own name.'' I laughed.

''Well that's what they're called around here.'' Alexa mentioned.

Seriously? What was this? Give your squad a name day?

Briana walked over to us with her usual minions following close behind her. Today she was dressed in a polyester sweater, pink loafers and button up shorts. I always wondered if this girl thought this was Gossip Girl or something.

''Hello bitches.'' she gaves us all a smug grin, holding her textbook in her hand.

''Go fuck yourself.'' Alexa said, not even bothering to look at Briana.

''Shut up Alexa.'' Briana raised her voic.

''You need Colgate.'' I told her, looking up at her hideous face from where I was sitting.

''You need a new pair of clothes.'' she said , looking down at me.

''Um.. I'm not the one coming to school dressed like it's Paris Fashion Week.'' I chuckled and the other girls laughed with me.

Briana rolled her eyes and brushed past Alexa who was standing past, was she really asking to get another beating?

Alexa pushed Briana forcefully , causing her to trip up infront of the boys. Laughter erupted immediately, making Briana's face go red.

We all knew damn well she wasn't going to take embarrassment.

She stood up and brushed herself off whilst her minions held her textbook . Briana lunged at Alexa, but unfortunately missed. Alexa took hold of Briana's hair and began to hit her repeatedly.

Some of the boys found this a joke except for Ryan and Jason. They seperated both the girls . Damn, Jason looked like a snack when he was trying to separate them.

Kaitlin was literally piercing her eyes into Ryan , so adoringly.

''You gave me a  black eye!'' Briana shrieked, looking at herself in her tiny compact mirror.

''Yeah, just like the first time in the park.'' Alexa laughed, rolling her eyes at Briana.

Tori was stood on the side of Alexa in defence of her, I was still sat down beside Jeda not trying to get involved . Obviously Kaitlin would be stood up , staring at Ryan.

''Watch on Monday , I'm coming for you , you stupid slut.'' Briana walked off, her minions jogging behind her, trying to keep up.

It was now just us and the group of guys. Everyone not knowing what to do.

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