Day 28. Preparation

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My birthday was tomorrow and I had to admit I was pretty psyched about it.

It wasn't really planned for a party , but for more of a tiny gathering of friends.

Which would of course be Alexa , Kaitlin, unfortunately Tori , Kyle, Marco and DeLuca.

I was already forming a list of people who were on the maybe side on my sheet of lined paper.

"You are moat definitely allowing Ryan to come. He's my boyfriend ." Kaitlin snatched my pen out of my hand and wrote Ryan's name in capital letters. I threw my hands up in surrender ."Geez, okay ! Even if it is my birthday."

Kaitlin giggled and politely gave me back my pen, watching my hands to make sure I didn't scribble her boyfriends name out.

Alexa entered my room and bounced onto my bed in between Kaitlin and I. "Is that it ?" She picked up the piece of paper , staring at me.

I slowly nodded my head, wondering what was wrong with my list.

I noticed she had a packet of Cheetos , three of my granola bars and a packet of Yasmin's Twizzlers.

"I didn't expect you to take Yasmin's stuff !" I grabbed the Twizzlers out of Alexa's hand.

"Well technically you did say help yourself , so I helped myself. Plus, how am I supposed to know what's Yasmin's ?"

"That's true." Kaitlin agreed.

I glared at Kaitlin, hovering my own over Ryan's name and she shut up immediately.

"Bitch ." Kaitlin mumbled.

I laughed , making Alexa confused.

"Anyway, I'm just saying ... Jai Lynne should be invited, she's always allowed us to come to her parties. " Alexa continued.

I wrote down Jai Lynne's name and allowed Alexa to keep throwing me more names.

By 9:00 pm we had more than twenty people. That may sound little, but to me it was alot.

"Okay , let's read this out." I took the paper in my hands and read aloud. "Alexa ,
Emily &
Simone. "

"That's a lot. "

"It's only twenty something people, it's nothing compared to the hundreds of people at Jai Lynne's parties." Alexa argued, biting the pen lid.

"Fine , organize my birthday. Go crazy . Invite the freakin' Queen of England for all I care ." I surrendered, only to see Alexa and Kaitlin with big smiles on their faces.

- 20 minutes later-

"Okay, last person is Jason and his group of gorgeous friends." Kaitlin added , writing down each name.

"No, not Jason, he ca-"

Before I could finish , Alexa had already butted in . " We're in control remember ? You allowed us to be in charge like 2 seconds ago."

I shut up and folded my arms in annoyance.

"Plus, why is Jason not allowed to come ? He was the first boy to properly welcome you to the school." Alexa pointed out , scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.

"True but .. Kyle will be there and I'm not running back and forth between the both of them. I'm not a slut and I've got to make up my mind over who I like. So let me be. You're going to invite him anyway, so hurry up and get it over with. "

Alexa shrugged her shoulders as she finished writing down their names. I knew there may be conflict between the two groups of guys but if any of them started anything , so be it.

After we had finished writing names for tomorow, we went downstairs to see Yasmin who was no longer in her uniform, but in a onesie with need glasses on .

"Nice outfit ." I joked, from across the other side of the room, keeping my distance.

Surprisingly she didn't say anythn back, but instead responded simply. "No work tomorrow. Might aswell start my nap from now."

"You're my  goals ." Alexa laughed.

Pfft. If only Alexa knew how immature my sister could be . Her goals would've changed.

"So, how's things with Kyle ? I mean Jason.. wait , I mean Kyle ." Yasmin grins.

Yasmin totally done that on purpose.

"How's things with ... Wait , there is no one." I plastered a fake smile onto my face .

"Stupid." Yasmin grunted.

"So Yasmin, are you invited to join us for your beautiful, loving , cheerful, kind, sister's birthday ?" Alexa asked , putting her arm around Yasmin's shoulder.

"Erm, I'm her sister , I don't need an invite ... I'm on the V.I.P list. Oh, and erase all of those compliments you gave her; none of them are true. "

"You're not coming. " I retorted.

"Yes. I . Am ." Yasmin folded her arms and gave me an icy glare . "Should I tell mom not to buy you that LV purse ?" she threatens.

"Fine. Your only company will be Jai Lynne,everyone else is not in your age range anyway. They're all from my school."

"Do I care ? Plus, you're so dumb if you actually think you're having a gathering in my house and I won't be here. I LIVE HERE IDIOT." Yasmin laughed , leaving the kitchen.

"Not gonna lie , but that was kinda true." Kaitlin spoke.

"Mom and dad won't be here. This will be her advantage to annoy me." I groaned.

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