Day 35. Prom Night

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The whole weekend consisted of nothing but mom setting up my arrangements for today, which really only included the limo and me trying on my dress every 2 hours .

Except it wasn't the weekend anymore, it was the actual day ; it was prom and I was much more excited than I expected myself to be due to all of the past few days' drama.

I was already out of the shower and into a pair of shorts and one of Yasmin's 'CLASS OF 2012' jumper which was an ugly maroon colour and I could see why she barely ever wore it.

Right now, I didn't care about my appearance as all I needed to do was my makeup but that would be done right after I had something to eat.

I went downstairs into the kitchen to be greeted by my parents who already had made breakfast, which was unusual of them but I was grateful.

I sat around the island facing mom who looked at me with a wide smile and dad beside her with a smug look on his face.

"So, who's the lucky guy taking you ?"


Dad dropped his fork onto his plate as his face turned many different shades of red all in 2 seconds. "She's a girl !".

"Honey , she's only saying that to wind you up." Mom reassured him , helping him sit back down as if he couldn't do it himself.

"Thanks for breakfast." I giggled." No one is taking me to prom so it's fine dad."

"What about Kyle? You said he was taking you ." he questioned .

"We're going together but not together if you know what I mean."

"No , I don't know what you mean . Please explain." he demanded.

"Me and Kyle aren't really together. Well , he kinda thinks we are but I'm going to let him know that we're not an item anymore. "

"Well, why not?" Mom spoke.

"Because I don't love Kyle and I don't wanna spend prom with someone I no longer have interest in. I don't want to have to tell my future children that my prom night consisted of me dancing with a guy I wasn't remotely interested in. It's not a going to be a good memory for me . " I muttered, taking a bite of the bacon.

"So who do you love? " she asked a question I was hoping no one would ever ask me.

"No one. " I quickly responded.

"Not even Channing Tatum?" Dad chuckled .

"I'll make an exception for him."

"I can't believe it's your prom today , my last child is leaving high school. Why are you and Yasmin growing up so fast?" Mom groaned , resting her chin in her hand.

"I'll always be your little girl mom don't worry." I gulped down the orange squash and cleared my plate.

It was basically 12:00 and I hadn't even started my nails or hair or even makeup.

"I've got to get started on this." I circled my whole body with my hands . " See you in a couple hours. "

"What time do you have to be at the hotel and what hotel is it?" Dad asked , seeming a lot more interested in my life .

"6:00 pm and it finishes at 11:00. Also, it's at The Ritz Hotel which I'm guessing is the one Yasmin works at so I just may see her. " I called from upstairs.

I heard them both begin talking about the hotel until I was back in my room chucking all my hair straighteners , curling irons and nail polishes onto my bed. My makeup was already on my vanity bed and mom had bought me loads of silver and black accessories over the weekend.

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