Day 23. Making A Statement

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I woke up dead on 7:00, ready for school which started at 8:45.

It was now 8:30 and I was dressed in my outfit (pictured) for the day and my hair was resting on my back.

I couldn't wait to get back into that learning environment, this time I would be more focused.

''My first day at work. Your first day back at school.'' Yasmin chimed, putting on her extra high wedges.

''Yasmin are you sure those are acceptable for the Ritz-Carlton Hotel?'' I pointed at her blocks which she classified as shoes.

''Just because I'm dressing all smart now, doesn't mean I'm going to be all different. I'm still the same Yasmin who will listen to Tinashe at 7:00 in the morning after coming home complete and utterly wasted.''

Yeah . She was still the same Yasmin from last week, all that had changed was that she had a proper job and a nametag.

Nothing new.

Like always, I carried three granola bars and a Capri Sun to keep me through the day.

I was definitely not going to depend on the school to change their lunch menus. Their spaghetti looked like rats tails and the one time I tried the lasagne.. well, let's just say it tasted like cold jam mixed with chili sauce.

Never again.

''Yasmin, I've had had enough of seeing your multi-colored sunglasses and orange cartons everywhere.'' Mom moaned, picking up one of Yasmin's juice boxes.

She was still a child at heart.

''Once I start this job and earn some mula. I will be out of your hands.'' Yasmin grinned.


Mom dissapeared off into the garden to start on her yoga. She was dressed in her excercise clothes with a compatible stereo on the other side.

I'm guessing since dad was at work and Yasmin and I were out; she had to entertain herself.

''I'm heading out amigo.'' I patted Yasmin's shoulder and headed for the door.

''Good riddance and good luck.''

I left the house and thankfully; the sun was shining bright.

Loads of school buses were driving past and I'm pretty sure I heard someone shout my name.

Eventually I reached the school and it was bustling full of students greeting their friends as if they hadn't seen them in centuries.

It's only been two week ,why on Earth are they screaming at one another ? Can't we have inside voices.. on the outside please?

''Oh my gosh ! Is that you Camilla?!'' Alexa ran over to me screaming at the top of her lungs.

She was most probably one of the loud students I was hearing when I entered through the school gates.

''I guess.'' I gave a half smile, my volume level was much quieter than hers.

'You look different. A good , amazing, awesome different.'' she shrieked.

I couldn't help but notice that Alexa's hair was no longer in her tight natural curls, but now straight.

''I could say the same for you. Look at your hair.''

I touched one strand of her once curly locks, admiring it .

"My hair will go back to curls by tomorrow, these locks can't be tamed." she sighed.

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