Day 32. It's Always You

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Not much happened at school today since I was half asleep for the majority. It was the last few days at Kayville for us all and everybody was barely putting any effort in since we had no proper tests or finals. I had done all of that at my old school due to only coming to Kayville during the last few months.

I emptied my bag full of granola bar wrappers and delved inside looking for my phone. Eventually I found it deep at the bottom , laying there looking unwanted.

I picked it up and dialled Kyle's number hoping he would be available for the little outing I had planned. The phone ringed for what felt like 30 exact seconds. It went straight to the answering machine so I hung up.

I resulted in trying the girls' numbers . Alexa was busy re-spraying her motorbike, Kaitlin was luckily spending the day with Ryan , Jeda was at the library all due to her new personality and Tori wasn't answering.

Sucks to be me.

I rested my head back against my bed and looked up at the tiny chandelier light hanging from the ceiling, it's jewels swaying slowly from the little breeze that entered through the tiny gap in my window.

There was nothing really interesting on television and Instagram and Twitter were the same usual selfies and everlasting gossip. I really needed to find an extra- curriculum activity to do outside of this school. I was going to die being stuck in this house dying of boredom.

Not even knowing what I was doing, I had ended up with someone's number who I always dreaded tapping in.

I closed my eyes and pressed the dial button, not even caring if I was making the right or wrong decision .

"You again." I heard a much more awake voice answer.

"Why is it that I can always count on you to answer on the first dial?" I giggled.

"I'm always available that's why , well, for you I am. "

"Me .. because ?" I pondered.

"You're fun to talk to, sometimes I get bored of just talking to loads of girls who only care about what's in my pants. Or speaking to the guys about Kyle's group and basketball. Sometimes I like to venture out." explained Jason.

I sat there in silence for a while, still staring up at the bright chandelier and imagining it reflecting Jason. He was someone who stood out among the other dull lights, he had two uses, good looks on the outside and also having a purpose to people. He wasn't just there to brag and just expose himself but instead have a worth. Just like the chandelier , it was pretty with all its diamonds but also had a reason as to why it was there; to produce light.

Jason was my chandelier.

"What are you thinking about?" He spoke, startling me out of my thoughts.


"Speak if you must.. I'll be waiting.."

He was not asking but telling, I could tell from the clear tone in his deep voice. I explained to him about how he reflected my chandelier and at first he laughed but then soon came to an understanding.

"Well if I had to portray you as an object or inhuman thing, you would be a candle."

"You would say that because ?" I smiled.

"Because when you're not lit you're personality is covered and no one knows much about you . However, once you're lit, your personality is shown and lights up a whole room bringing a good vibe to everyone else."

I couldn't hold back the massive smile I had on my face. "I love it . It describes me so well."

"I know, that's why I chose it."

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