Day 26. Love Bug

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No school for me today . I was sick and felt like I'd been on a rollercoaster, at full speed, with eggs chucked at me.

In other words ; I was having what felt like a near - death experience.

Every room in the house seemed like it was above room temperature , on 99 degrees celsius.

"I'll turn the AC on." Mom called from downstairs.

"Thank you." I sort of grumbled back, my voice slowly drifting.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Yasmin walked in, dressed in her work outfit .

"Yes . A whole tub of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough icecream . "

"Very funny ..but seriously do you want anything to eat ?"

"I was being serious!" I shouted.

Shouting was the wrong idea , it made my weak throat even worse .

"Ugh whatever . I have no time for your jokes." Yasmin rolled her eyes as her heels stomped out of the room.

If I had a serious illness , I know for sure Yasmin would probably feed me one rice grain and a slice of bread , with milk .

She would be at my deathbed wondering how I died, when she's the one who starved me .

I turned on my television using the remote and put it on the music channel , looking for a song .

I found Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball . This song was bound to grab Yasmin's attention .

I turned up the volume from 0 to 100, risking my life .

Yasmin ran in the room , screaming for me to turn it down but I pretended like I couldn't hear her .

"What on Earth are you zoo animals doing ?!" Mom yelled, storming into the room.

She grabbed the remote out of my hand , turned off the television , reducing the loud sound of Miley's voice .

"She is playing that annoying song, so loud , whilst I was on the phone , disrupting my conversation ." Yasmin folded her arms .

"Camilla.. explain yourself ."

"Actually , I turned on the television and for some weird reason it was already at a loud volume. Then Yasmin ran in and started to scream at me, but I couldn't hear what she was saying . So I got scared because she looked like a raging bull in her outfit and then you ran in." I lied, coughing loudly so that mom would have pity on me.

Mom looked bewildered as if she didn't know who was telling the truth.

"I'm not going to take sides.  Instead I'm going to do it like this ... Yasmin pass your phone. Camilla pass your remote . "

"No. That's not fair. I'm an adult, I don't have to." Yasmin said , smug.

"When you live under my roof ,you follow by my rules. So if you already have an accomadation you can go to, then go ahead and leave. " Mom offered .

Silence took over the whole room. Yasmin looked at me with anger - filled eyes as if she was planning my murder in her head. I looked at mom, planning how I was going to survive without televison.

"Why are you taking my phone though?!" Yasmin whined, barely acting her age.

"Because , if you weren't speaking to whoever and was instead ; getting ready for your job then maybe she wouldn't have interrupted your conversation."

"Yeah, but .."

"No . Anyway why are you even questioning me ? From what I remember, I pay the electricity bill, I paid for this house , I own these doors, furniture ....Everything ." Mom said sternly.

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