Day 18. News

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''It's all fine. It's just Miss Gretchen won't tell us why she fainted.'' the friendly nurse explained, reassuring us all.

Mom and dad picked Yasmin and I up a while ago and brang us to the A&E where we were now.

After waiting endless hours for Aunt Gretchen to wake up. Eventually she did, but had to talk to the nurses just so they could check everything was okay with her.

''Are we allowed to go in? '' Mom asked, looking exhausted.

The nurse nodded her head and led us to the room where Aunt Gretchen was. She opened the door for us to walk in , then left to go and assist other patients.

''Hello.'' Aunt Gretchen smiled weakly.

''Hey.'' we all murmured.

Mom sat beside the bed , taking hold of Aunt Gretchen's hand. Dad stood behind her. Yasmin and I stood up, me leaning against the glass window.

''How are you feeling?'' Mom asked.

''Weary but I'm getting there." Aunt Gretchen mumbled , slowly rising up in the bed.

"I hope nothing bad happens to you sis, please don't leave me , mom has gone, dad has gone ; not you." Mom wept .

Dad put his arm around mom's shoulder , moving his finger up and down her shoulder comfortingly.

For a long period of time there was silence until Aunt Gretchen finally spoke
"May I speak to Camilla alone please?"

Everyone lifted up their heads shaking out of their day dreaming . Mom nodded her head quickly, wiping away her tears .

Dad escorted her and Yasmin out of the room and left me alone .

"I fainted because I'm very ill Camilla. " she spoke .


"... What have you got?" I inquired , playing with my thumbs nervously.

Before I could notice , she sat upright with a wince of pain on her face .

"Cancer. Breast cancer." she muttered , looking down at the floor.

I opened my mouth in awe , this was shocking news. She would soon no longer be on this Earth, here , with us.

"How long have you had it ?"

I squirmed in my seat , feeling uneasy.

"For about 2 months. I've most probably got a couple weeks left to live. "

"What about treatments?" I pondered .

She shook her head lifeless and coughed "there is nothing they can do."

I couldn't help but let out tears . I allowed them to roll down my cheeks uncontrollably .

"Don't cry stupid. I'm going to be fine honey." she smiled.

"But you're not.."

"Well, if you have to be so upfront about it then fine. " she sighed .

We both began laughing as if nothing had happened .

"Let the others come back in please."

I walked outside of the room and over to the waiting area where mom, dad and yasmin sat. 

Yasmim's head was deep into a magazine whilst dad and mom sat looking around.

Once they noticed me they immediately stood up , soon followed behind Yasmin.

"What happened ?" they all chorused .

"She was just .. a-asking ..h-how I am  ." I stuttered .

They nodded their head and followed behind me as I led them back to the room.

We gathered inside , mom sitting back down.

"How are you feeling ?" Dad asked her.

"I'm fine , just wanted to say bye.I am very tired and want peace. " she chuckled, shooing us away.

We all leant down and hugged her. I'm pretty sure I felt her squeeze my arms playfully.

After the visit we went back home and all I could was think Aunt Gretchen .

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