Day 6. Less Fun, More Work

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Wednesday was finally here, marking the middle of the 5 days of school, which kept me sane as I knew we were almost at Friday.

Yesterday after World History Jason gave me his address and number so I could go to his house for the assignment Miss Baust had given us. Hopefully he was as serious about his work like I was as I really hoped to get a good grade in this subject.

Today was a much more quieter day, he was with Briana at lunch but he didn't really look interested in anything she was saying, instead he was having much more fun talking with his friends from what I could see.

Last period had finished and I was on my way to Alexa's class. Tori, Kaitlin and Jeda were already outside waiting for her, we were all heading to BJ's Restaurant . Burgers were my fave and fries of course.

''What's up with Alexa , why's she staying behind?'' I asked the girls.

''She got into an argument with Briana .'' Tori answered, smiling at me.

We all looked through the little rectangle window on the door at Alexa who was walking towards us with an angry look on her face, she opened the door and stood inside the little circle we had unintentionally created .

''What happened?'' Jeda questioned, smacking on her chewing gum.

''Can we talk about it on the way to BJ's. My stomach is making noises and I can't take it any more.'' Alexa groaned holding her stomach .

We nodded our heads and all headed out of the school building, not much students were outside anymore, only a few people who didn't feel like going home yet.

''Basically, I was talking to Linsey Herjer and she asked me if anyone was dating Jason because she kinda likes him . So I said 'no he's single' and Briana turned her big head around and rolled her eyes. I asked if there was a problem and Briana says 'yes , I'm dating Jason'. Briana just went psycho and tried to attack me but fell onto some random dude's lap which caused the whole class to laugh. Somehow I got in trouble for it.' Alexa explained.

''That's totally unfair in my opinion.'' Tori said.

''So is Briana actually dating Jason or was she just lying?'' I asked.

''No way. He is not even the slightest bit interested in her.'' Alexa shook her head and laughed.

We reached to BJ's and sat at a table , my stomach was yearning for a burger.


After a full meal of burgers and fries with the girls I sat in the living room letting my food digest.

I got a call from Jason and my heart started to race pretty fast. Not because I was nervous it was just that the last time a boy had phoned me well... it's never happened.

''Hello.'' I answered nervously.

''Hey, you can come now if you want, the house is free and quiet so we can get to work.'' he said.

''..Sure, you live nearby so I won't be long. Do you have any notes?'' I asked, standing up from the couch.

''Nah, I'm an unorganized guy. '' he chuckled into the phone.

''Gosh, I'll bring some of mine. You're so useless, you need all the help you can get at this subject , literally.'' I sighed, walking into the kitchen where my mom was.

''That was a nice compliment. I'm so touched.. catch ya later.'' he joked, hanging up.

I slid my phone into my front pocket and sat on the kitchen chair, my mom opposite me.

''Mom I've got to go study with a guy from my class.'' I blurted out, biting my nails nervously.

''Do you want to get kicked out ? What do you mean you've got to go study with a guy?'' she looked up from the laptop at me.

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