Day 2. Hello California (continued)

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The house was beautiful, it was perfect & looked as if it had been built so carefully . Everyone stared at it , even the removal men .

I ran in straight away & picked my room. It had white walls & brown wooden floor which I'm definitely going to keep it like that  . Slowly I walked around the room, admiring the amount of space there was . It was so big & I knew that this had my name written all over it .

I let go of my suitcases & put it on the floor just to mark my territory in case Yasmin wanted to steal it .

After a couple minutes of staring at every window & corner of the room, I decided to look around my new hone. As I walked through the hallway, the first room I noticed was even more big . This was most probably going to mom and dad's room. It had a en-suite aswell.

I walked to the room next to it which was the bathroom, it was all white & had a bathtub with a shower . Just how I liked it .

Memories of my house in Atlanta faded away as this house was already making me giddy . Finally , the last room was most likely Yasmin's . It had a fair amount of space . She also had a en-suite but I didn't mind , since my room was perfect for me .

I went back downstairs & saw mom ordering the removal men to put each box in each room & that's when I noticed the kitchen. It was massive & there was a island in the middle.

(An island is the table that people normally have in the middle of their kitchen . The Kardashian's have it if you watch KUWTK)

It was empty but it still looked pretty amazing ; so clean & polished .

" Do you like it Camilla ? " dad asked from the hallway . I turned around to look at him & by the look on his face I knew he was hoping I would say 'yes'.

" It's perfect . " I answered, which made him smile .

He nodded his head & began helping the removal men put boxes into the rooms . All I wanted was my bed, but it was in that van somewhere & I'd have to wait for them to take it out .

Mom brang in 5 kitchen chairs & Yasmin followed behind her with the table as it wasn't that heavy. They put it behind the island & placed the chairs around it .

"You wanna help Camilla?" She offered , walking towards the front door .

"Sure. " I replied un-enthusiastically. But I just wanted to help so I could find my bed.

The sun had risen , so that's probably why I saw a few civilians walking by .

"Here's a bed , who's is it ?" My mom asked, pointing at my bed which lay there in the back of the van .

"'Mine!" I raised my hand & tried to lift my bed, but I'm so weak so that failed miserably.

After two failed attempts of lifting it up , Yasmin chipped in & helped . That was unusual of her , but she was probably tired like me & just wanted to hurry things up .

Torturing our hands for 5 minutes, we finally reached my room . Yasmin let go slowly as the front end of the bed touched the floor & I did the same.

"Thank you." I gave her a smile & she yawned walking off.

I placed my bed directly in the middle of the room & lay on it . It was my favorite thing right now but the rest of my furniture was nowhere to be seen .

"I'M GOING TO SLEEP. PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME UP ." I shouted, although I knew no one heard but atleast I said it .

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