Day 1 . Bye Atlanta

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Note : I wrote this story when it was the beginning of last year , on a SMALL htc phone and I know there will definitely be spelling mistakes but forgive me please. I was still young and very immature and it was my first book/story so it's embarrassing. Anyway I've definitely improved, check some of my recent stories for proof. I just wanted to let you know before you read this story . Enjoy x

Today's my last day at my school in Atlanta and I am not looking forward to it at all.

You know that feeling you have where you've become so used to everyone at your current school and you feel like a big family. That's the feeling I've always had , until my parents decided that they want to be evil and whisk me away to California , due to the fact that we have more family over there.

I don't think that's the real reason. In my opinion, the  real reason they're taking me from my beloved hometown is because dad has a job as an executive with wealthy men and women who just sit around a big table talking about the importance of clothing stores.

And mom's agreeing we should leave Atlanta as she wants to live in the same city as the rest of my family.

But no one has decided to ask me my opinion on this all.

"Mom do we have to move to California? I know dad has got this new job offer and all but I'm doing so good in school and there's plenty of available jobs in Atlanta that would pay him the same amount of money he would get in California." I asked as I sat down at the kitchen table, biting into a poptart .

Mom looked at me from the living room and smiled .

"Of course we have to go, this job is what he likes doing and he gets paid well for it. Plus we've lived in this state since you were born , its time to make a change . California is beautiful , you won't be complaining once you see how much bigger our house is . " she took her eyes off of me and looked back at the television which she was watching Real housewives of Beverly hills.

I took another bite of my poptart and dropped it onto the plate. I was not in the mood for food right now, I felt like chaining myself to the front door so that I would never have to leave this house , and I could stay here forever.

But I couldn't . I had to face the fact that this house would soon be someone else's , and they would get to stay in Atlanta whilst I live in California. Whoever gets this house is a lucky person , I'd love to stay here forever but I can't .

I got up from the table and walked up the staircase to my empty room. Boxes  upon boxes were stacked containing  my ornaments & furniture,  since  the removal guys would be here soon to collect them . My bed was laying there by itself in the middle with no sheets on it, since they were tucked away  aswell.

I looked around the room at the white walls , the wide windows , the clean white wooden floors and noticed how white my room was. Whoever moved in here was bound to put some color in here. I don't know why but white is so nice , it makes the room look clean effortlessly.

My mirror was still standing up against the wall , I looked at my outfit in it & I had to say I looked pretty good for someone who was currently depressed.

I was wearing a black  skirt, a plain white croptop, blacktights & white converse. It was casual but still had some style to it .

"CAMILLA !" My mother called from Downstairs.

"Time for school!" She called again.

Great. This is going to be fun .

I walked down the steps, taking my time, as I saw my mom who had a big smile on her face .

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