Day 24. Choices

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"He was trying to say something last night but he wouldn't let it out." I explained to Alexa the next day in Chemistry.

"What do you think he was going to say?"

"That's the thing; I don't know. " I breathed in frustration.

"Houston, we have a problem." Alexa joked.

"What do you mean by that ?"

"I know exactly what he was going to say, but hopefully next time , he will actually say it. " she gave a sly grin .

"So what was he going to say then?" I asked curiously.

"Have patience girl." she chuckled , pouring some green substance into a pale blue one.

"Telllll meee Lexaaa." I pleaded , tugging her arm.

"Aye , calm down , I almost spilt this highly dangerous liquid on myself." she says to my annoyance.

"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds handle highly dangerous liquids , knowing how wild we all are." a voice says from behind us.

We both turned around to see Jason standing there, his glasses resting on his head.

"We're not that wild." Alexa scoffed, focusing back on the experiment.

I noticed this was the only class Kyle and Jason were both in, except Kyle wasn't here. Even though I saw him first period.

"Look at mine." Jason shoved his glass infront of us, which was the same color as his shirt; purple.

"Cool." I  say unamused.

"I can smell jealousy." he smirks.

"Then there must be something wrong with your nose." I laughed.

Jason walked off , a grin on his face and the weird liquid in his hand.

"It's your birthday soon!" Alexa yelped, her hair bouncing with her.

"I know." I grunted, barely showing a smile.

"You're turning 16 for God's sake . Can you atleast show some sign of joy ?" she sighed .

Since she was always there for me, I might as well smile for her. I done a massive smile then went back to my moody attitude.

"If you don't fix your attitude , I'm not speaking to you." Alexa turned her back to me , continuing with the experiment.

"Seriously ?" I chuckled.

She didn't respond which let me know she was being serious.

"You're extremely late Mr Lathers." Miss Edwin spoke, as Kyle walked in.

"I had places to be Miss. Sorry." he had a smug look on his face as he walked over to his friends.

Alexa and I both looked over at Jason , Ryan and Lorenzo; Lorenzo was part of Jason's group of  friends.

They noticed Kyle walk in and we're staring at his group. Kyle, Marco and one other ; Jared stared right back.

It was like an episode of The Wild Wild West..  me and Alexa being the audience - watching it all.

The rest of the class were not even noticing what was going on as they were all indulged in their own conversations and Miss Edwin was too busy marking people's tests.

"Look at both of your bae's. " Alexa hissed, almost bursting into laughter.

"Shutup." I kicked her chair .

There was no denying how good Jason looked in his leather jacket , he was like John Travolta from Grease.

Although Kyle seemed to win when it came to looks compared to any other guy.

Plus, he had a bigger heart than Jason, which had already been confirmed over these past few weeks. Regardless of the situation with Tori.

"What you looking at?" Jason breathed, piercing his eyes into Kyle.

"You and your gang of idiots." Kyle folded his arms .

"Damn, he just went ahead and flexed them muscles." Alexa commented.

"Gang of idiots? You're more of an idiot than anyone in here." Jason smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not the biggest idiot, considering you ditched something as good as Camilla, for Tori who's so self-centred . You're the idiot for making such a stupid decision."

"SHOTS FIRED!." Alexa shouted

Before Jason could even reply , the bell went and Kyle and his friends had left .

"Wait what?" I stuttered , trying to recollect my thoughts.

Everyone dispersed out of the classroom, heading home.

"Did Kyle really just stick up for you?" Asks Alexa, as we both walked into the corridor .

"Who stuck up for who?!" Kaitlin shrieked , shoving her tiny body in between us.

Alexa explained everything to her and Kaitlin's eyes widened at each sentence.

"Oh my gosh, I thought me and Ryan's relationship was goals but you and Kyle are like... GOALS ON GOALS ."

"We're not even dating." I huffed , leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Well atleast you're speaking. "

"True." I agreed, even if it was like speaking to a brick wall.

Alexa and Kaitlin went over to Kyle's group, this time Kaitlin didn't seem to worry about Ryan noticing her, she was much more relaxe than before.

I was in no mood to see Kyle , my brain was knackered, I was dying, school was demolishing me and it was only the second day back.

A/N: Am I the only one who is contemplating working at McDonalds, bc skl :/

There should really be a petition for kids to sign if they want their school burnt to ashes.

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