Day 14. Sweet Words

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(picture of Tori )

I sat in the gymnasium , pretending to be doing sit ups like the rest of the class but instead lay on the floor, resting my head on my folded arms with my eyes closed. Yesterday I stayed up all night trying to compose the perfect poem. I don't know why but I felt as though I owed Kyle a poem.

In the end I ended up with a perfect one, it was in my notebook written messily since I was so intent on going to sleep.

Unlike other ones, it didn't rhyme. It had a meaning, just thoughts from my head that I put together.

''Ok Class, go back to the locker rooms !'' Coach Edwig shouted, awaking me from my thoughts.

All of us were excited to leave and rushed back before he even finished speaking.

I changed back into my clothes and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. The bell rang signalling lunch break and I was desperate just to sit down. Even if I had been lying down the majority of the lesson.

Everyone departed outside and some went to the cafeteria, as well as me.

In our usual seats, I spotted the girls sitting down talking, they spotted me as soon as I walked in so I had no choice but to go over. I sat down and greeted them all , Tori with an angry look on her face.

''What's up with you?'' I sighed, staring at her.

''Nothing, except Jason Carter asked me out.'' Tori said carelessly.


She nodded her head and rolled her eyes, completely unbothered. It was unusual to see her so calm.

''I've barely seen you two speak to each other..'' I mused.

''We've spoke and still do speak.. Over the phone, facetiming. He's always with his friends at school , so..'' Tori mentioned, running her hands through her bright blonde hair.

If I knew things were like that between the both of them , I would've never have even spoken to him or let him kiss me. He knew I was friends with Tori and just played with my feelings at the same time.

''You've both kissed though and even if I do like him , it would be awkward dating him.'' Tori added.

''Date him, I don't mind.'' I lied.

''Speak of the devil.'' Alexa muttered as Jason walked over with his once usual smirk, now in a blank expression.

''Hey beautiful.'' he kissed Tori's cheek and sat opposite her, beside me.


''Nothing, so, have you thought about it?'' he asked, referring to asking her out.

''Yes, I will be your girlfriend. '' Tori smiled.

He touched her hand with his palm and leaned forward towards her and pecked the tip of her nose, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

Before anyone could even say or do anything, he was gone. Back to his group of friends .

''Congrats.'' Alexa said dryly, getting up from the table, me following close behind her.

''I love him.'' Tori grinned, smiling with glee.

Love? They've only been speaking , for what? .. 5 weeks. Wow.

- after school -

''So, I kinda composed this random piece of poetry. '' I told Kyle as he dropped me home.

''Go ahead..'' he gestured, giving me a grin.

''Okay, but don't laugh or nothing because I'm not a profess-..''

''Camilla shutup and just say it.'' he laughed.

''Okay.. she was the mountains,

he was the sea.

She was stable,

he was unpredictable.

she was scared,

he was carefree.

They were both so far from perect,

but perfect for each other.'' I recited from my mind, it was hard to remember it all .

For a few minutes it was silent until Kyle stopped walking and finally spoke, facing towards me , his expression was questioning and I couldn't guess whether he liked it or not.

''It was poetic, it was perfect. Especially for a first try.'' he smiled, his dark blue eyes glistening as the sun hit it.

''Really?'' I scoffed.

He nodded his head and began walking again, both of us in silence. It was calming .. the way we could both just be in complete and utter peace, no sound coming from either of us. But it still seemed as if we were talking, just with our minds.

Once we reached to my house, we stood there, looking at one another. Whatever thoughts were running through his mind, I hoped they were positive ones.

I don't know why, but being disliked by him would make me feel at a loss. It was as if I was desperate to be accepted by him.

''Tommorow?'' he offered.

''Tommorow.'' I agreed, nodding my head slowly.

''Meet me after school, we can go wherever. Deal?''

''Deal.'' I shook his hands and walked up to my door.

Something was telling me to turn around so I did, he was standing there still looking at me with a smirk on his face. We both nodded our heads and walked our seperate ways.

Kyle was starting to rub off on me. I liked him, he was a cool dude.

''Camilla, is that you?'' my dad called from the kitchen.

''Uh-huh.'' I replied, joining mom who was sitting in the living room.

''Who was that?'' my mom questioned, catching me offguard.

How did she know I was outside with someone, was she neighborhood watch or something?

''Who was what?'' I played dumb.

''You know what I'm talking about young lady. That boy with the big blonde hair and tanned arms. It certainly wasn't Jason.''

''I know, he's just a friend.'' I said innocently.

She looked up at me from her book and gave me the most iciest glare. I was being completely honest for God's sake.

''He's just a friend.'' I repeated, making sure she was taking in everything I was saying.

''Make sure. '' she warned me, focusing back on her story.

Yasmin walked in with her hair looking a mess and a tired face. She looked as if she had been dragged through hell and back. She entered the living room and sat opposite mom.

''I hate my job.'' she blurted out.

''You chose it.'' Mom reminded her.

''That is something I regret.'' Yasmin sighed, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand.

''You're 23, get up and do something proper with your life. Aunt Gretchen told you that, your father and I are telling you that. Why can't you just quit ?!'' Mom began to raise her voice and soon enough dad was in the living room aswell, waiting to hop on the bandwagon.

Quietly, I excluded myself from the lecturing and slid upstairs to my room. If I didn't escape whilst I had the chance, I'd probably be in there being lectured about boys and lesbians.

Dad really wanted me to have a discussion with him about my gender interests. Just because all of my friends at my previous school were girls.

This family is going to be the death of me.

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