Day 5. I'll Be Indulgent

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It was Tuesday and thankfully I wasn't tired as hell since we weren't assigned homework yesterday for any subject.

I dragged myself from underneath my comfortable duvet and sat on the edge of my bed, checking my instagram. 4 new followers, yay.

Being the stalker I was, I decided to check out Jason's page. After a few minutes of snooping around I saw the cutest selfies ever , one was with Briana but that was 72 weeks ago.

Yes. I stalked that hard.

Eventually I decided to get up and actually move somewhere instead of sitting and being a sloth. I changed into skinny black jeans, a white croptop,a pink cardigan and some Converse. Casual outfits are much more comfortable than dressing up. Yesterday I was freezing in my skirt.

After I went downstairs to see Yasmin and mom both dressed . Yasmin was watching television and mom was reading a magazine.

I walked into the kitchen to get a granola bar and a bottle of water, my weekend breakfast would normally consist of a heap of bacon and eggs but due to school starting at such early hours, a granola bar was all I had time for.

School lunch sucked so I grabbed 2 more granola bars, a packet of m&m's and a Capri Sun. This was still my definition of a balanced diet.

I followed behind mom and we got in the car, Yasmin sat in the back, now on her phone. I swear she was a robot, electronics were her favorite things.

The engine started up and mom began to drive.

''Yasmin when are you considering buying a car?'' Mom questioned.

''I don't know, I was guessing  that you and dad would buy me one.'' she shrugged her shoulders, not looking up from her phone.

''Not everything is spoon-fed to you, sometimes you have to earn stuff. So far all you've done is work at a sneaker store called Footlocker, dressed as a barcode , stacking shelves. That's not worth a car.''

''Well I guess I'll have to earn it.'' Yasmin sighed.

The car pulled up outside of the school and I got out, waving goodbye to them. As soon as I stepped foot into the building, the bell went and the crowds of teenagers all slowly dispersed off to their first class.

Mine was World History again, which I was glad about since Miss Baust seemed to give easy questions.. well easy ones for me.

Once I reached to class I sat in my seat and the rest of students rushed in aswell. Miss Baust sat at her desk with a newspaper in her hand and her eyes peeled on it. She was giving us the least attention but it was to our advantage as all the class wanted to do was talk with their friends anyway.

''So, are you free on Saturday?'' Alexa asked.

She was sitting two seats away from me so we had to raise our voices a little bit although no one was really listening to our conversation.

''Yeah, why?'' I inquired.

''Kaitlin and the girls wanna hang out.'' she replied.

''Sure, we'll talk later.'' I said.

''Okay.'' she nodded her head and began talking to a girl behind her.

I sat quietly, doodling pictures of different dresses, then people, then buildings and before I knew it ; my whole page in my book was covered in black pen spirals. You would think this was an Art lesson.

''You're going to be in so much shit when Miss Baust sees that.''

I turned to the side to see Jason staring at my book, his eyes wide with a big smirk on his face. Straight away I ripped the page out .

''Problem solved.'' I smiled.

''Touche.'' Jason said.

''Okay class, we've got an assignment. Here are the sheets, pass them on please.'' Miss Baust handed the three people at the front loads of sheets filled with writing on them.

As soon as one reached to my hands I read it, already excited.

''Talk about what the Romans have done for us, what the chinese have done for us, what the english have done,canadian... german.. egyptians... russians.. belgians..french..'' I muttered to myself, reading the paper .

This was going to be easy, I learnt all of this in my previous school.

''I suck at this.'' Jason said, looking over at me.

''You need help?''

''Well I have a lot of pride and I'm not one to usually ask for help but if you insist..'' he laughed.

'' I don't insist, but I'm offering.'' I shrugged my shoulders and held out my hand to him.

''Okay, Miss Ryanair.'' he shook my hand.

I smiled and put my sheet into my bag. There was something that I had been pestering to ask him, maybe it was the right time to ask him now.. or maybe it was too early to ask such a question.

''So, what was your previous school like?'' he asked, his blue eyes staring at me.

''Awesome, cool people. No offence to this school.'' I answered.

''That was slightly offensive. Our school is the bomb.'' he pretended to wipe a fake tear which made me laugh.

''Kayville is okay to be honest, I've only just started here so I won't give an immediate judgement.'' I mentioned.

''Fair enough. Anyway, tell me about you. Like what do you like and dislike ?'' he asked.

''I like pizza, lots of pizza with any toppings except for pineapple. Pineapples make me want to puke. Coconut is disgusting. Also milk as a drink is yuck. Lasagne is one of my favorite foods. '' I told him.

''You gave me a whole menu of food, but okay.'' He chuckled.

''What about you?'' I asked.

''I like vanilla icecream as we already established from yesterday. Snicker bars , Lays, Nerds, Paella and Salad are my favorite foods. I hate olives, donuts, cheez-its and grilled chicken.''

''You dislike donuts? Is that even possible?'' I questioned, looking at him in awe.

''Well, I've only had powdered donuts and I didn't like it so I'm pretty sure I won't like any others. But you dislike pineapples and that's not normal.'' he argued.

''Class, let's get out our pens. This gossiping has been going on for too long.'' Miss Baust announced, writing the title on the board.

Everyone shut up immediately and done as she said so. She really seemed to have an effect on all of the students, including me.

''That's totally normal.'' I whispered under my breath to Jason, whilst taking out my pen.

''Not even.'' he whispered back.

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