The New Girl Extras.

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Yes, the worst has happened - The New Girl is finished .

I'm kinda happy because my hands are extremely exhausted from months of tapping away , but also sad because I was always excited to update this story everyday but now there's nothing more to update.

I just want to start by saying thank you to everyone who has been reading since the very beginning when Camilla joined the adventurous Kayville High and until the end when she is finally Jason's girlfriend


For the #Jamila shippers:I'm pretty sure everyone that shipped #Jamila is happy af because he won her over in the end.

For the #Kymila shippers: You must want to strangle me rn but it's okay , I shipped Kyle and Camilla at one point too , especially when it was her birthday .


I have pictures of the most important characters because I know everyone is dying to know what they look like , even me lol. So that will be coming up. If anyone wants me to start a story with another chatacter and no longer Miss Ryanair , just ask.


The beginning: I chose to start off the story with Camilla living her final and last day in Atlanta so that everyone could know what she was like before she moved to California. This is because , if you noticed , around her family in Atlanta - Camilla was much more humble and didn't speak much but once she moved to California her attitude changed and she was more happy and sociable . I also wanted the story to build up and show the experience of moving house as I've experienced it before, so it was easy to write about . Normally , you expect your new house to be completely crap compared towhat you used to live in but once you see it , it's way better than your old house and that happened for me.

Meeting Jason: I decided to make them meet in an unusual way so that it wasn't too cliché or your typical high school love story, where the dorky, shy girl bumps into the hot , muscular boy and drops her books, then he picks it up for her and notices how beautiful she is in only 5 seconds . That would definitely be cringeworthy. So , that's why I chose Camilla to be confident and instead meet him during a lesson. I was really glad with the way I made them talk for only 5 minutes because most stories they're talking for 20 minutes and she becomes his study partner the same day. Ugh .

Alexa, Kaitlin , Jeda and Tori: These are my favorite girls , I swear. I chose this gang, squad, group, clique etc. Because it shows a difference between Camilla's old group of friends and her new ones. I chose this group so that it showed the different personalities of each girl. Alexa is the loud , funny one who has a unpredictable character . Kaitlin is the quiet , lovable character . Jeda is the lost , girly one who doesn't really discover herself until the near end and Tori is the emo loving , rude one who has no control over what comes out of her mouth.

Meeting Kyle: Kyle's entrance was the most funniest as he and Camilla met during her short argunent with Jason. Once he came into the picture , Jason was completely out. This shows how confused Camilla was, she was looking for a boy but didn't know what she wanted from him but we know now that it certainly is not poems.

Camilla: I chose this personality for her because its kinda my personality and emotions put into one character. Camilla was just a free spirit entering Kayville with hopes for the best, she didn't really care about boys during the beginning and was only looking for friends until she met Jason and Kyle. They both played a part in showing her anger which she never used to have until she met the both of them , but I'm glad she expressed her feelings more further on in the story. Personally, I think most of this story has been based off of my own issues for example I've been stuck deciding to choose which boy I like and could see myself in a relationship with but my story has not yet ended unlike Camilla who is such a lucky chick ugh . I also based Alexa off of my bestfriend because my bestfriend has always been there for me with boy troubles , no matter how annoying I may be, she also makes every situation out of then funny which Alexa has done on numerous times. If you're reading this Unicornhorn ; I hope you find your DeLuca when you get older (: x

Overall it has been so fun writing this /

will there will be a sequel? .... Maybe :).

Thanks to Unicornhorn for giving me ideas on some of these chapters and to all my fellow readers ; I hope you find a bae , even if it is pizza .

Ciao , x x

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